- November 6, 2012
- 420
Inauguration of Stanisław Moniuszko Gymnasium in Kowalczuki

On Wednesday, 14 November 2012, a celebration of the inauguration was held to inaugurate the Stanisław Moniuszko Gymnasium in Kowalczuki. A school flag was blessed at 12 o‘clock in the Church of Divine Mercy in Kowalczuki.
The eldest school certificate issued by the school in Kowalczuki was found lately; it was issued in the school year 1921/1922. At that time, it was an elementary school of the Vilnius School District, with Polish as the teaching language.
After World War II, the school started its work in 1945. In the school year 1945/1946, there were 4 classes of elementary school and 5th and 6th classes of grammar school. The school was named “Kowalczuki Grammar School of the Szumsk Gmina of the Vilnius Region of the Republic of Lithuania” and was located in the building of the Forestry in Kowalczuki. It was a really poor school. It lacked equipment and teaching aids; there were only black homespun desks, tables for teachers, blackboards and stools.
Since the 1st of September 1966 the school was converted into a high school. It was attended by 450 pupils taught by over 40 teachers in Polish and Russian. At that time, a night school for working youths began to operate. At the end of the ‘80s, teaching was conducted in three divisions: in Russian, Polish and Lithuanian.
Since May 1992 Zygmunt Jaświn became the director of the school. In 1994 the school was blessed by the parish priest of that time, Fr. Dariusz Stańczyk.
In accordance with the act of the Local Council of the Vilnius Region, since the 10th of December 1999 the school operates under the name of Stanisław Moniuszko. Since 2005 school pupils are taught only in the Polish language.
As a result of the successful accreditation of the 13th July 2012, on the basis of the Local Council of the Vilnius Region, the school gained the statute of gymansium.
Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/inauguracja-gimnazjum-im-stanislawa-moniuszki-w-kowalczukach
Tłumaczenie Ewelina Zarembska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Ewelina Zarembska the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.