- November 5, 2012
- 375
LRT accusing Tomaszewski about connections with Russia
Program “Savaitė” of LRT television is accusing the leader of an election campaign of Poles in Lithuania of connections with official institutions of Russia.
Television suggests that Tomaszewski tried to lead prorussian forces into the Lithuanian Seym for Kremlin’s financial help.
Lithuanian television is also emphasizing that Waldemar Tomaszewski is a member of an editorial committee “Baltijskij mir” which is trying to falsifying the history of Baltic countries. Moreover, he is accusing them for supporting the Nazism.
Tomaszewski is denying of any cooperation with official institutions of Russia and whole situation treats as the provocation for which is responsible the boss of the Sejm committee of the national security and conservative – Arvydas Anušauskas.
“We are not cooperating with any institutions from foreign countries. We appeared on their parties just because of parliamentary duties” – denied Tomaszewski.
On objections to the membership in the editorial commission in “Baltijskij mir” the AWPL leader said that he have nothing common with it.
“I have nothing common with magazines’ publishing companies. Especially with this one. My mother tongue is Polish. It is a provocation. Anušauskas’ provocation” – said Tomaszewski.
Observers are paying attention that objections towards Tomaszewski are appearing in the moment, when an election campaign of Poles in Lithuania which election list was shared with the Alliance of Russians and the Folk Peasant Party, is having real chances of entering to the future ruling coalition with social democrats, the Labour Party and the Party Order and the Justice.
Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/aktualia/litwa/lrt-oskarza-tomaszewskiego-o-powiazania-z-rosja.d?id=59913543
Tłumaczenie Daria Bergmann w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Daria Bergmann the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.