• January 28, 2015
  • 474

Filmik: There are no language barriers in hip-hop

„I’d be thinking for a long time on which girl to marry, but I’d marry music for sure” – says Filmik, a rapper from Vilnius who raps in Polish. He is presenting his new song “Stare Dobre Czasy” (“Good Old Times”).

Filmik is convinced that hip-hip is not a temporary trend, but a permanent element of culture. “You cannot be a rapper in the evening and an official in the morning. If you can feel the vibe, you’re a part of it all the time” – says the artist. Filmik’s lyrics reflect what he observes on a daily basis. Each text has a message – he bravely intertwines politics, everyday life events, and historical facts.

„Hip-hop is international – there are no language barriers. If there are more artists rapping or singing in many languages, the hip-hop culture will be richer and more people will get to know about Lithuania. Until now, there has not been a rapper who would actively create in Polish” – Filmik explains.

In his work, the rapper focuses on creating lyrics that reflect his personality. “Why would anyone break glass when you can pour your emotions into paper? Even better when those emotions, that later become music, help others to understand what you are feeling” – the artist clarifies.

„Polish hip-hop in Lithuania will live and will not disappear” – these are the lyrics of Filmik’s song which is also one of the songs on the album of the „Muzyczne Rodowody” (“Musical Ancestries”) project. The rapper chose to use the form “in Lithuania” which is no longer used because “in hip-hop both the idea and the form are equally important”. The young artist draws his inspiration from true school which was popular particularly in the 90s, and is often called a golden era of hip-hop. Filmik wants to transport it to the 21st century combining it with musical experiments.

Filmik cooperates with experienced Lithuanian beatmakers and producers to endure the quality of his music. His another song “Sztuka” (“Art”) can be heard on MC Alhi’s album “No Mcs Allowed” and on MC Alhi’s newest album „Sustok akimirka žavinga“ which contains a song that the artists perform together entitled „Atradimo džiaugsmas“.

W swojej nowej piosence „Stare Dobre Czasy” raper mówi o przeszłości hip-hopu, kiedy raperzy nie tworzyli dla pieniędzy czy sławy, a ze względu na miłość do muzyki. Teksty odzwierciedlały realność życia codziennego.

In his new song „Stare Dobre Czasy” („Good Old Times”) the rapper talks about the past of hip-hop when artists did not create for the money but for the love of music. The lyrics used to reflect the reality of everyday life.

The rapper has not revealed to zw.lt his plans for the future, but it surely holds a new album.

Translated by Katarzyna Kosińska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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