• September 16, 2014
  • 477

Slendzinski’s work in Zatrocze

“The portrait and time” – it is a new exhibition at the palace in Zatrocze. In the renovated a few years ago interiors of the former headquarters of Tyszkiewicz’s family till 6 September 2015 people can see the works of the representatives of the Vilnius artistic Slendzinski’s dynasty: Ludomir’s, Vincent’s and Alexander’s.

The exhibition “The portrait and time. Paintings of Ludomir, Vincent and Alexander Slendzinski” is another important development in the history of the Polish-Lithuanian project “Zatrocze”, financed by the Ministry of Culture and the National Heritage of Poland. Thanks to this project, in a restored palace we could admire local artists like Wojciech and Irene Weiss’s paintings; palace interiors are also enlivened by the exhibition “Home recovered”.

Since September 16 will be opened a new exhibition presenting works mainly by Ludomir Slendzinski, the youngest and most famous representative of the artistic Slendzinski’s dynasty.

Ludomir Sleńdziński, painter and sculptor, educator, recognized as the leading representative of a new classicism, was born in Vilnius in 1889.The painters were also his father Vincent and grandfather Alexander. Ludomir studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg. After returning to Vilnius in 1920 he started the Vilnius Society of Artists. In 1925 he took the chair of the monumental painting at the Faculty of Stefan Batory’s Fine Arts at the University in Vilnius. In 1928 he participated in the creating of polychrome houses of the Old Town in Warsaw. In the period of 1937-1938 he decorated with the monumental paintings the building of PKO and the interior  of  the National Economy Bank in Vilnius. He travelled a lot. During the Nazi occupation he stayed in Vilnius. He was persecuted by the Gestapo and imprisoned in a forced labour camp in Prawieniszki near Kaunas. In 1945 he settled in Cracow, where he took the chair of drawing and sculpture at the Department of Architecture, Polytechnic University in Cracow . In the years 1948-1956 he served as a vice rector and a rector of the university. He died in 198 in Cracow.

At the exhibition in Zatrocze are exhibited works of Ludomir Slendzinski from the Vilnius(1923-1945)  and the Cracow (1945-1980) periods, works on paper made ​​with different techniques of drawings, oil paintings from the study trips to Italy and Greece, family portraits, sculptures and bas-reliefs . The exhibition also recalls the achievements of the  progenitors of the family: Alexander and Vincent Slendzinski.

The works were made ​​available by Slendzinski’s Gallery in Bialystok, the National Museum in Warsaw, the Museum of Art in Vilnius, Podlaskie Museum in Bialystok, the National Museum in Cracow, the District Museum in Suwalki. Some of the exhibits come from private collections.

The opening of the exhibition ” The portrait and time” in the palace in Zatrocze was combined with the scientific conference, devoted to the work of Slendzinski’s family and the artistic environment of Vilnius in the early decades of the twentieth century. The exhibition will be presented in Zatrocze till 6 September 2015.

Based on: galeriaslendzinskich.pl, culture.pl

Translated by Katarzyna Ratajek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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