- September 11, 2014
- 508
Two ministries of Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania are still in the government

The 10th of September was supposed to be the last working day in the Lithuanian government for the vice ministers delegated by Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania. However, since now only one person, the viceminister of national education, Edyta Tamošiūnaitė, has resigned. The vice minsters of agriculture and transportation, Leokadia Poczykowska and Władysław Kondratowicz are still working.
On the 26th of August, Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania announced that it would leave the ruling coalition. On the 1st of September, Waldemar Tomaszewski, the leader of the party informed that on the 10th of September, when the fall session of the parliament begins, the representatives of the party will leave ministries and resign from their positions in the Seimas.
So far, according to the scheduled date only Edyta Tamošiūnaitė has resigned from her position in the department of education. Vice minister of agriculture, Leokadia Poczykowska has handed in her resignation but vice minister Virginija Baltraitienė commissioned her to fulfill her function until the end of September, when a new vice minister is about to be appointed. Władysław Kondratowicz has handed in his resignation as well, but his superior, the minister of transportation, Rimantas Sinkevičius, decided that the vice minister will not be dismissed until his successor is nominated.
The resignation was also sent by the leader of the human rights committee, Leonard Talmont. It has not been considered yet. The minister of energetics Jarosław Niewierowicz and vice minister Renata Cytacka left on 25th of August. The vice minister of culture Edward Trusewicz has not yet returned to work after the change of government.
Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania predicts that it will be possible to save the position of vice chairman of the Seimas for Jarosław Narkiewicz, because of the fact that according to the Seimas statute, opposition parties have right to appoint two deputies.
In accordance with the new coalition agreement, a social democrat will hold the position of vice minister of agriculture. The deportment of culture and communication will be governed by The Labour Party, and energetics with education – by Order and Justice. The Seimas human rights committee will be lead by a deputy form the Labour Party.
Translated by Ewa Żakowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.