- August 22, 2014
- 594
eLearning course for Polish teachers

Teacher Training Center of the Association “Polish Community” invites teachers from Lithuania, Ukraine, Hungary and Germany to take part in eLearning course “Contemporary technologies in Polish Education”.
eLearning course is composed of 9 modules, it is directed towards those teachers who use modern technologies in their daily work and also for those who would like to deepen their knowledge of the subject.
The objective of the course is to acknowledge with available technologies of the Internet and experience the challenges and merits of eLearning. Classes will be conducted online on a platform moodle and edmodo. Participants will also use google docs and twitter or wikispaces. Further modules will be appearing every Monday starting from 29.09.2014. Credits and the results of the competition will be announced not later than on 10.12.2014.
Subject matter of the classes includes:
– how we and our education change under the influence of new technologies;
– how to plan our work in a reasonable manner and using new technologies;
– how to assess if new technologies are useful and necessary in performing a particular task;
– how to use social media in education;
– how to develop student’s autonomy and technological maturity;
– what is web quest and how to use it.
Techniques of learning: video lecture joined with a presentation, audio and video recordings connected with a topic – around 30-35 minutes in each module/weekly. Questions asked, own reflections, participation in the discussion: around 30-60 minutes weekly. Contact with the lecturer (via Twitter or Edmodo) not less than 4 times during the course. Duty on skype: twice during the whole course.
Leader: Karolina Zioło-Pużuk: doctor of humanities (University of Sheffield, Great Britain, 2010), in 2014 graduated from Workout School and Psychological Training (the Social Welfare Center and Psychological Education of INTRA) while in 2013 postgraduated studies User Experience Design at SWPS, lecturer at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (classes run: “New technologies in education”). Author of publications concerning modern technologies in education in monthly magazine “Headmaster of the school”.
A sole condition of project participation is confirming the acceptance of the registration and its acceptance from the organizers. Registration will be closed until the last seat available will be taken. Sequence of application decides about the participation and also representativeness principle of mentioned Polish centers.
At the conclusion of the course, participants will receive a certificate of completion of their professional training.
Registration form – download below.
Filled registration form should be sent via email: warsztaty.ostroda@odnswp.p or fax: 0048 89 646 95 96 until 15th September 2014.
The project is co-financed with the resources from the Ministry of Education within the competition connected with fulfilling a task “Organization of professional training for teachers who teach polish, history, geography, cultural and other subjects taught in Polish abroad”.
Translated by Edyta Zarzeczna within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.