• August 10, 2014
  • 593

“Like stones thrown by God upon a great rampart”. WHM Scout Camp

“A real scout should at least once in a lifetime experience a summer action, i.e. a camp,” says pwd. Joanna Pietkiewicz, the commandant of the today-ending Wileński Hufiec Maryi im. Pani Ostrobramskiej [Eng: Vilnius Mary Scout Troop under the name of Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn] camp “Like stones thrown by God upon a great rampart”.

The camp now includes, after some little changes, 62 persons and consists of two female sub camps – Zawisza and MałyWawer, as well as two male sub camps – POW, meaning Polska Organizacja Wojskowa [Eng: Polish Military Organisation] and Pomarańczarnia. Apart from these, there was a sub campZawiszacy, in which 10 scouts between the age of 9 to 12 worked during the first week – tells zw.lt the commandant of the camp, pwd. Joanna Pietkiewicz.

The scouts have been at the lake Gałonas since 28 July, and will be there till the end of the week, 10 August. The camp is devoted to the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising and the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Grey Ranks. In this way the history is transmitted to young people history – through fun and group work.

“We set a military area at the camp, where only scouts are training – in this way we wanted to show the scouts the events from 70 years ago. On 1 August, we joined the 70 seconds of silence, together with many other organisations around the world, at 6 PM of Lithuanian time” – says proudly the commandant of the camp.

This year’s camp of WileńskiHufiecMaryiim. PaniOstrobramskiej slightly differs from the previous. Scout specialisations were introduced: defence, tourist, artistic and postal. “There was a rotation of these specialisations, that is, each day a different sub camp gained another specialisation. For example, a sub camp with touristic specialisation collected berries, or the artistic one prepared bonfires in the evenings,” explains Joanna Pietkiewicz.

The camp is a great opportunity to test ourselves. The acquisition of skills was invented a long time ago. The scouts gain a few of them each day, they learn how to help, perseverance and patience.

Pwd. pr. AgataSadowska, who participates the fourth time in the camp, cordially encourages everybody to take up the challenge and try out the camp: “Everyone must try to go on a scout camp”.

“It is a unique experience of a lifetime, and certainly everybody can afford to experience such great days of their youth,” says the camp quartermaster, Agata Sadowska.

Translated by Paulina Baca within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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