- May 29, 2014
- 456
Polish Literature fairs on Wileńszczyźna: 3 tons of books!

In the Polish Culture Center today (May, 29) starts the traditional spring fair of Polish book, which will last till Sunday (June, 1). For the first time the fair will arrive also in Ejszyszki and Soleczniki.
‘We associate May with the feast of book. We come to Vilnius with new fair, with wonderful books, written in Polish’, said the organizer of the fair, the chairman of the publishing house Ex Libris Andrzej Frukacz.
‘We associate May with the feast of book, we are closer to book, book is closer to us, book is with us. We come to Vilnius with new fair, with new wonderful books, written in Polish, for sure. Starting from the youngest, because it is our greatest treasure, when children come with their grandmas, grandpas, parents or older brothers and sisters.’
The book fair in the Polish Culture Center will continue for the next four days. For the first time the fair will take place also in Ejszyszki and Soleczniki. Tomorrow in the Culture Center in Soleczniki and on Saturday in the Polish House in Ejszyszki.
‘For the first time in Culture Centers in Soleczniki and Ejszyszki we are organizing the meeting with Polish book and Polish readers. At the beginning, if we succeed, it would be one-day fair in order to form the general idea how many books we have brought (they weigh more than 3 tons!) on these events, which will start in Polish House in Vilnius and will continue till Sunday and in these two towns. It would be enormous, really enormous feast, as far as I remember, for a long time there was not such a big amount of books, which we have taken for the period of meetings with Polish readers in Lithuania.’
The fair offers lots of illustrated fairy tales for kids, coloring books, specialized publications and the newest books written by Polish contemporary authors and many other items.
‘Excellent books for children and young people: these are wonderful fairy tales of Polish authors, coloring books, specialized literature, which will be still needed despite the end of the year. We will thing over and will surely possess Polish authors, such as Kaliczyńska and Połoszczański. First of all I would like to say that there will be amazing books of the publishing house ‘Bellona’, which are related to the newest history, the history of so-called boarding areas, the history of Polish-Ukrainian wars and contemporary history in general. For the first time we succeed to impose on cooperation. The book of modern history would be personally presented by the author. The book, that so many people, especially older ones, was so often questioning about. And to my mind we will satisfy them.’
The culmination of the fair will be the celebration of Children’s Day, which will take place on June,1 in the Polish Culture Center.
‘Children’s Day, which will summarize the whole enterprise, is the culmination moment of all meetings and therefore I sincerely and warmly invite everyone, even those who would not have the opportunity to buy books for some reasons just to call in and see how wonderful are the books of Polish authors published.’
Source: http://zw.lt/wilno-wilenszczyzna/kiermasze-literatury-polskiej-na-wilenszczyznie-3-tony-ksiazek/
Tłumaczenie by Diana Doniczenko w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Diana Doniczenko within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.