- May 20, 2014
- 425
In Mickuny – the Colorful Children’s World

In the Secondary School in Mickuny (Vilnius Region) the International Gallery of the Artistic Works of Children and Young People „The Colorful World” was opened. There are more than 180 artistic works of children from Mickuny and other towns from Vilnius Region, Vilnius, Poland and even from as remote places as Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Australia or Africa.
The originator of the International Gallery of the Artistic Works of Children and Young People „The Colorful World” is the art teacher from the Secondary School in Mickuny, Krystyna Narkiewicz. She told in the interview with “Wilnoteka” that the idea was formed many years before. “I kept it in my heart for many years. It is well thought out, dreamt, brought to perfection and finally – done. I did it from the love of art and children. Now many galleries were created for which art is only a business. None thought about children. Naturally, it would be hard for those galleries to sell children’s works, but children can depict the world so beautifully! That’s why I decided to create a gallery for children, where they could show their works, see together how children from different countries paint, get to know new art techniques, see new themes” – said Krystyna Narkiewicz.
Krystyna Narkiewicz wrote to many different countries, to the organizations and institutions working there. Among others there were more than 300 letters sent to Polish institutions with a request to send back children’s artistic works. Not all of them responded, but still, in Mickuny there are more than 300 artistic works that came from different parts of the world.
The gallery that was created at the Secondary School in Mickuny was divided in 6 parts: world works, works from the Vilnius Region, works from Poland, works from Vilnius, works of children from Mickuny and the School’s former students’ works. The subject is common: “My little Homeland painted by heart”. At the International Gallery of the Artistic Works of Children and Young People „The Colorful World” there are landscapes from different parts of the world, works that show people, traditions, festivals and customs.
„The works of children from oriental countries are very colorful, really creative. Polish exposition is like a tour to historic places, landmarks and churches. Every part of the exposition has its characteristic” – said the founder of the gallery, Krystyna Narkiewicz.
The International Gallery of the Artistic Works of Children and Young People „The Colorful World” is held in one of the School’s corridors. There were many people involved in the creation of the gallery: school’s administration, local government of the Vilnius Region, sponsors. Thanks to all of them the school’s corridor was renovated and the children’s works were framed and displayed.
Krystyna Narkiewicz assured that the exposition will be modified, new works will be displayed. “There is a lot of effort put into the creation of this gallery, but the satisfaction is rewarding” – added the founder of the International Gallery of the Artistic Works of Children and Young People „The Colorful World”, Krystyna Narkiewicz.
Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/w-mickunach-kolorowy-swiat-dzieci
Tłumaczenie by Małgorzata Łabuda w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Małgorzata Łabuda within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.