• May 14, 2014
  • 409

Clips promote good relations Polish-Lithuanian


Polish embassy in Vilnius has just completed a promotion of a series of videos realized because of the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on friendly relations and neighborly cooperation between Poland and Lithuania (26.04.1994). The main characters of the videos were usually well recognizable Lithuanians, who were speaking about Poland. 

“The aim of this campaign was to promote good neighborly relations, to introduce Poland as a friendly country for Lithuania and to demonstrate the fight against negative stereotypes about Poland that appear in Lithuanian society” – said Ambassador J. Czubiński.

Musician Marijonas Mikutavičius, historian Alfredas Bumblauskas, Tomas Pačėsas – basketball player, Olympian and coach, who coached Polish team as well as Stasys Eidrigevičius – an artist living in Warsaw, and also Donatas Barcys – Lithuanian businessman working in Poland, and I Mickaite- student who studied in Poland. All of them performed those movies.

The campaign was finalized with film in which a former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, the current EU ambassador in Moscow, Vygaudas Ušackas, performs in the film says: “There is no closer neighbor , country and nationality for Lithuania than Poland and Poles. History proves that we are stronger when we work together ” V. Ušackas also spoke about cooperation with Minister  R. Sikorski in a very positive way.

Access to all films is in the following link.

Source: http://l24.lt/pl/spoleczenstwo/item/33293-filmiki-promuja-dobre-stosunki-polsko-litewskie

Tłumaczenie by Irmina Myśliwiec w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Irmina Myśliwiec within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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