• April 19, 2013
  • 428

Skakowska: I want to see the youth of our achievements XX – anniversary of the Center of Polish Culture in Lithuania named Stanislaw Moniuszko

The 20TH anniversary of the Centre of Polish culture in Lithuania. Stanisław Moniuszko

The opening of the exhibition was dedicated to the 20TH anniversary of the existence of the Polish Cultural Centre in Lithuania. Stanisław Moniuszko began the celebration of the Jubilee Centrum.

A twenty-year career Center was presented in the form of photographs, posters, diplomas and other souvenirs.

At the beginning  the cultural programme was introduced. There were teams “Primula” and “Melody” from Józef Ignacy Kraszewski school, on an accordion performed masterfully potpourri Daumantas Stundžia of gymnasium. Simonasa Daukantasa.

Congratulations by the representatives of the associations of national minorities. “With Mrs. Apolonią (President-EN DELFI) know for a long time. She has a very nice personality. Organized by her party, festivals are always well thought out, informative. Organized by her “Christmas Meetings” are the basis of good relations between all the national minorities in Lithuania, between people of different religious faiths. God sent her ability to gather people around them, stories about the culture are available in a simple man way, “she said EN DELFI Alvyda Gedaminskienė, Director of the House Minority.

Social activist Žilvinas Radavičius Apolonię Skakowską, constant for 20 years, the President of the Center, called the real Duchess of Vilnius. “I always say that Mrs. Apolonia is the truest Princess, the brightest star in Vilnius, which does a lot not only for poles, but also for other Nations,” said Radavičius.

Wystawa rozpoczyna obchody 20 – lecia Centrum Kultury Polskiej na Litwie im. Stanisława Moniuszki. W ciągu całego roku w ramach obchodów odbędzie się szereg imprez.

“W ramach obchodów jubileuszu w maju zostanie zaprezentowana wystawa słynnego karykaturzysty Szczepana Sadurskiego, planuję konferencję naukowo – popularną, gdzie zaprezentuje cały 20 – letni dorobek Centrum. Szczególnie chciałabym zapoznać z nim młodzież. Głównym akcentem obchodów będzie koncert – widowisko w Siemens Arenie, na który zostaną zaproszone wszystkie zespoły, z którymi współpracuje Centrum, czyli wszystkie 70 zespołów” – o obchodach opowiadała PL DELFI Apolonia Skakowska, prezes Centrum Kultury Polskiej na Litwie im. Stanisława Moniuszki.

The exhibition begins the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Centre of Polish culture in Lithuania. Stanisław Moniuszko. Throughout the year, in the context of a series of events will be held. “In the framework of the celebration of the Jubilee in May will be presented an exhibition of the famous  caricaturist Stephen Sadurskiego, I plan to research Conference-a popular, where will the entire 20-year career. In particular, I would like to see it. The main accent of the celebrations will be a concert-spectacle in the Siemens arena, in which all teams will be invited, with which it cooperates, or all the 70 teams “-about the celebration advocated EN DELFI Apolonia Skakowska, President of the Polish Cultural Centre in Lithuania Stanisław Moniuszko.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/kultura/kultura/skakowska-chce-zapoznac-mlodziez-z-naszym-dorobkiem.d?id=61186511

Tłumaczenie by Katarzyna Dąbrowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Katarzyna Dąbrowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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