• April 5, 2013
  • 507

Katarzyna Niemyćko: during the competition I will perform with my friends

© Kurier Wielnski

The finale of the beauty competition „’Kurier Wileński’ Girl – Polish Miss of Lithuania 2013” is around the corner, and life prepared some new surprises! Songstress Katarzyna Niemyćko who thrives on the Lithuanian stage, shared with us that Lithuanian stars such as Egidijus Sipavicius and the girls from the band „Pop Ladies” showed a will to perform together during the competition.

At first, only Katarzyna Niemyćko and Greta Buzarewicz were supposed to perform during the beauty competition. But life writes its own story, and it turned out that a lot of Lithuanian performers expressed intrest in performing together on the stage of the Palace of Culture and Sport in Vilnius.

Katarzyna says that a famous Lithuanian performer Egidijus Sipavicius agreed with pleasure to participate in the show. He and Katarzyna will sing a duet. Natalia Bunke, Liepa Mondeikaite and Oksana Pikul – the girls from the band „Pop Ladies” also agreed to perform. Worth noting is the fact that Egidijus Sipavicius and the girls of „Pop Ladies” agreed to participate in the show selflessly, they are not expecting any profits. They have no need for publicity and they are doing it despite their busy schedules.

„The world is full of good people.” laughs Katarzyna. „I hope that everything will work out, that nothing will stand in our way. And that the repertoire will be as I like – diversified.”

As it turned out, Egidijus speaks Polish beautifully. Katarzyna made his acquaintance last year during the show „Duets of Stars” („Duety gwiazd”). She says that at first they started talking to each other in Lithuanian, but at one point Egidijus asked her in a beautiful, correct Polish: „I would like to talk to you in Polish, do you mind?”. She admits she was nicely surprised. Since then, they talk to each other in Polish.

„Maybe he makes a lot of mistakes, but he tries very hard to speak correctly and always asks how to say something. There is no irony in it. He really feels fondly about Polish langauge because, as it turned out, he has some Polish roots.” shares the songstress.

Egidijus once proposed Katarzyna to sing a duet, and now such an opportunity came up – during the beauty competition ‘Polish Miss of Lithuania’.

„There are no Polish-Lithuanian barriers in the world of music. These barriers are made by people, politicians, they are artificials. I haven’t felt any pressure because of the fact that I’m Polish during any of the projects – maybe a bit during „Battle of the Choirs” („Walka Chórów”), but except that national differences aren’t noticable. I’m glad that I have an opportunity to perform together with such professionals.” says Katarzyna.

The songstress doesn’t like distractions. She says that she doesn’t take on new challenges before she is finished with the previous job.

„After the first project of „Battle of Choirs” („Walka chórów”), I needed to sort some things out: some plans concerning music (recording a new album, taking singing lessons) and some personal matters. And suddenly I got involved in a dance project. All my plans scattered. Man plans and God laughs – Katarzyna jokes.

She got really involved in the new dance project. It is worth mentioning that she won the main award in it. Again, she planned that after finishing that project, she will take care of all the things she left behind, but one more time something stood in her way – real life revised all plans. Recently she got to be a part of a new project „Duets of Stars” („Duety gwiazd”).

What does she feel better at, where can she express herself in a better way: dancing or singing?

„Obviously I feel better at something that is connected to the world of music. Dancing, it was something new, inaccessible, like from a fantasy world. It was a new challenge that I got really involved in. I expected a lot from myself then. I knew that I got a gift of six months that I could completely devote to dancing and I couldn’t throw this chance away. That’s why I worked to the fullest of my ability, I gave it my all, all I’ve got. Every project has its own nuances. Difficulties are everywhere, but so are moments of happiness, of elation. Especially when you see that what you do actually works out.”

There is always some inner pressure. She is always thinking about the audience who watches her, or about her partner she cannot fail. She doesn’t hide the fact that it is stressful.

„During every project, there is a big crew. If we didn’t try our hardest, we wouldn’t be ready and the project wouldn’t survive long. I see being a part of a project as a big responsibility and I always have stage fright. I feel the most stressed right before the performance, but when I hear the beat it passes.”

She tries to cross herself before every performance and she asks the heavens for support. She gets support from people as well. She remembers a moment of panic when she thought that she wasn’t ready and that she won’t be able to perform difficult dance moves right – her dance partner helped her then. He told her one thing that calmed her down: „People in the audience are just like us. Let’s do the best we can for us and for them.”

A simple thing, but it worked. Everyone feels stressed while being on stage, no exceptions. Katarzyna recalls the words of Pugaczowa who said that if she is not nervous before coming out on the stage then she won’t have anything to do on that stage, she won’t be able to communicate her feelings. It means that we need adrenalin while being on stage!

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/04/05/katarzyna-niemycko-na-konkursie-wystapie-razem-z-przyjaciolmi/

Tłumaczenie Justyna Kaczmarek  w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Justyna Kaczmarek  within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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