• April 2, 2013
  • 601

Greta Buzarewicz — new voice of the Vilnius Region

© Kurier Wilenski

After her performance during the final of our contest “Pole of the year 2012” the audience had a notion that the famous song “Kolorowe Jarmarki” was sung by Maryla Rodowicz herself rather than Greta Buzarewicz, a young novice who has just begun to climb the “ladder of fame”.

Seeing the dark-haired beauty on stage it is hard to imagine how this tiny little body can contain such a powerful and deep feminine voice. Where has she been all this time?

Greta Buzarewicz, 20, was born in Bukiškės near Vilnius. When she was 14 her family moved to Vilnius where she finished John Paul II secondary school. It was there that she first entered the stage as a member of a teen band “Ad Astra”, guided by Katarzyna Niemyćko, a famous Lithuanian singer.
“I never used to be serious about music, I just took part in school performances, that’s all. Only after changing schools and joining the band did I realise that music was something more important than just an extracurricular activity,” says Greta. “Then my family and friends started to praise me and they assured me that my singing is a gift from God. Such a reaction motivated me even more.”

The first phase of Greta’s “romance” with the stage lasted for 3 years — she finished school and had to conclude her involvement in “Ad Astra”. After long consideration she decided to choose such a field of studies which would be most profitable, since singing is a profession which does not guarantee stable income. Thus, Greta chose nutrition studies at the Vilnius University.
“However, I soon realised that it was a wrong path and that something very important was missing from my life. I did not resign, though, because I always finish what I’ve started. But I decided that music is my highest priority, it stimulates me and makes me happy…” explains Greta.

After a several year break, Greta returned to music. It happened thanks to her friend, a wedding musician who offered her a job as a wedding and event singer.
“I took the offer immediately because i missed singing,” says Greta. “From that time I sang on many weddings, I had concerts in Lithuanian houses of Polish culture and I also performed in Warsaw and Gdansk. I’m glad that the more I perform the more offers I receive. Thanks to the fact that I’m active and I like “fast” life, the more offers I get, the more energetic and motivated I feel.

So far the young pop rock singer, who sings in Polish, Russian and English, does not perform her own songs. In her unusual style she covers songs of famous vocalists. She hopes that one day, after years of hard work, she will record her own album.
“Recording an album takes a lot of time and money. Right now I cannot afford such a luxury, but time will tell,” says Greta and admits that she is looking for someone who would write lyrics to her songs.
Additionally, the young vocalist cooperates with other performers, such as a famous Polish singer Iwan Komarenko.
“We are currently working on a song for the Eurovision Contest. So far I can only say that we plan to participate in the Lithuanian heats for the next year’s contest. The song will be in English,” discloses Greta.

Although lately Greta has hardly any free weekends (practically every week she sings at various events), she believes that instead of loosing energy, she generates it.
“Emotions on stage are incredible, I derive great satisfaction from applause,” says Greta. “Of course, I do get a little nervous before entering the stage, but the moment I begin to sing, I get lost in music and feel nothing but euphoria. I agree with the saying that an artist who is not nervous on stage is not a good artist. If you’re not nervous it means that you don’t care. I love stage and I hope that I always will.

Soon (on 7th April) Greta Buzarewicz will perform in the House of Polish Culture in Vilnius. A week later, on 13th April, the young vocalist will be supporting „Bayan Mix” in the Vilnius Congress Palace. And on 14th April Greta Buzarewicz will hold the audience of the Vilnius Palace of Culture, Entertainment and Sports spellbound with her singing during the final of our contest “Miss Kurier Wileński — Polish Lithuanian 2013”.

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/04/02/greta-buzarewicz-%E2%80%95-swiezy-glos-na-scenie-wilenszczyzny/

Tłumaczenie Aleksandra Christ w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Aleksandra Christ within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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