- March 31, 2013
- 456
“Stars duets”: Niemyćko in the game again

The duet of Jonas and Pop Ladies, which took the last place and dropped out of the song contest “Stars duets” („Žvaigždžių duetai“) last week after the votes of the commission and viewers had been counted, by the decision of the commission got second chance and returned to the competition.
The next episode of the contest was devoted to the favourite songs of Lithuanian stage. The duet Jonas and Pop Ladies where Katarzyna Niemyćko sings, performed song “Rondo” “Tu palauk sustok”. The girls chose particularly sexy costumes of stewardesses, and a millionaire Andrius Šedžius’s wife, Monika Kvietkutė-Šedžiuvienė filled in for Oksana Pikul.
After the performance, the commission was generous with compliments. “This team always sings well and invents interesting stage design. I cannot understand why the viewers voted like that last week” – expressed her surprise actress Kristina Kazlauskaitė, a member of the commission.
“I would like to tell the viewers that if we eliminate such duets, then eventually we won’t have anyone to watch” – added producer Laima Lapkauskaitė.
The chairman of the commission Donatas Katkus was also generous with praising the duet and, using his right to do this, he restored the duet to the project.
Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/rozrywka/duety-gwiazd-niemycko-znowu-w-grze.d?id=61033883
Tłumaczenie Barbara Rożek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Barbara Rożek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.