• March 20, 2013
  • 444

The final Olympic struggle of the Polish language

Fot. Marian Paluszkiewicz

37 students from Polish schools in Vilnius Region came to participate in the national qualifying rounds of the XXIV Olympiad of the Polish language and literature in Vilnius.

The participants left the school district and gone through the stages of the struggle for the title of best and on 20-21 March, fighting for the title of master of speech. The winner will represent Lithuania in the Nationwide Olympics Polish language and literature in Warsaw.

National Olympic skirmish of the Polish language has been moved this year to the historic walls of Vilnius University, the Faculty of Philology, and more specifically the Department of Polish Philology Center. Dean of the Faculty of Philology at the University of Warsaw doc. Dr. Antanas Smetona who welcomed the distinguished guests and participants of the Olympics said that philology is proud of its multiculturalism (at the University of German Studies, English philology, Polish studies, lituanistica), but “only preserving native speech, the nations progress.”

Center Director Professor of Polish Philology Algis Kaleda remarked that the Polish language Olympiad within the walls of Vilnius University is being held for the first time. Last year we hosted the Olympic final was Educologica Lithuanian Vilnius University.

Requirements for participants also made Ambassador of POLAND in Vilnius, Janusz Skolimowski: — that you are here shows that you have put a lot of work in preparation for the Olympics and the results will be such, what was the effort. But also remember that sports Olympiads invalid is the result, it is important. This welcome to you congratulations, you and your teachers.

At the Olympic Games opening ceremony was also attended by vice-dean of the Faculty of Philology at the University of Warsaw  Dr. Nijolė Juchnevičienė, Head of the Consular Section of the Polish Embassy in Vilnius Cygnarowski Stanislaw, a senior specialist in primary and secondary education from the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania Onutė Čepulėnienė, director of the Polish Institute in Vilnius Margaret Kasner, director of the Centre for Informal Education Students Algirdas Sakevicius, a representative of the Organizing Committee of the National Olympics Polish Language and Literature Professor. Elizabeth Janus, representatives of the local education department of the Vilnius region Gratian and Janina Klimaszewska Jagiello, the director and deputy director of the High School. Wladyslaw Syrokomli in Vilnius Danuta Lewicka Silienė and Regina.

Participants will evaluate the work of a committee of faculty Cultural Center of Polish Language and Teaching at the University of Lithuania in Vilnius Educologica: Dr. Irena Masojć,  Dr. Halina Turkiewicz,  Dr. Barbara Dwilewicz, Dr. Joseph Szostakowski Polonistycznego Center and lecturer at Vilnius University: prof. Algis Kaleda, Dr. Irena Fedorowicz, Dr. King Geben, Dr. Miroslaw Dawlewicz and chairwoman  Dr. Teresa Dalecka.

Charles Kleczkowski, school graduate from Gymnasium. Pope John Paul II in Vilnius, told us before the start of the Olympics, that does not feel stage fright before the Olympics:

– I’m rather impatient, I would have to hear topics written work. Maybe it’s weird, but I do not feel different than usual. I’m here because I like literature, I still have a lot of reading to read in front of me. Polish literature is doubly interesting because it is the native literature. Recently I met and liked Edward Stachura, the poetry of Wislawa Szymborska is close to me because of the sense of humor. The Olympics for me is also a test of their abilities.

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/03/20/finalowe-zmagania-olimpijskie-z-jezyka-polskiego/

Tłumaczenie Katarzyna Dąbrowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Katarzyna Dąbrowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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