• March 18, 2013
  • 435

Metamorphosis of finalists „Polish Miss of Lithuania 2013”

Fot. Marian Paluszkiewicz

Finale of „’Kurier Wileński’ Girl – Polish Miss of Lithuania 2013” competition is just around the corner. It will take place on April 14th in the Palace of Culture and Sport in Vilnius. It promises to be very excititng. Other than the most beautiful Polish girls in Lithuania, we will see on the stage Katarzyna Niemyćko – the star of the evening and also singer Greta Buzarewicz. There will be fashion shows, attractions and surprises. 

However, before their appearance on the big stage, 10 most beautiful Polish girls from Vilnius region, the finalists, are working hard in order to prepare for the grand finale. Preparations for it are at full speed. On Saturday, March 16th, the final 10 tried on not only evening gowns, but also fancy coats and leather jackets.

Firstly, candidates for the crown had a fitting for evening dresses at a salon „Mon Cheri”. This salon was called „Milana” for 8 years. For 4 years they were the sponsor of beautiful dresses for the candidates. This year, they also dress our beautiful girls, but under the name „Mon Cheri”.

„I have a new business associate. Since March 1st I work with Żaneta Szumkowska. That was one of the reason for the name change. We also want to try out a few new ideas. Our salon has a diffrent name, but it is already a fifth year that we dress our beautiful candidates for the crown.”, said to ‘Kurier Wileński’ Jewgenija Januszkiewicz, co-owner of the salon.

She thinks that this years finalists are not only beautiful, but also very nice and intelligent. It’s a pleasure to work with such girls.

„Which one should I choose?”, wondered girls, looking at the gowns in the salon. Green, yellow, maybe blue or pink? Lavishly embellished or maybe modest? Choosing an evening gown is a difficult task. But the finalists of „’Kurier Wileński’ Girl – Polish Miss of Lithuania 2013” competition didn’t have problems with finding the perfect dress for themsleves. We will be able to see what they chose in April during the grand finale. Fitting at „Mon Cheri” salon was a very excititng experience for all the girls.

Candidates in the evening gowns from „Mon Cheri” salon looked amazing on their first fitting. How will they look during grande finale? Time will tell.

When Diana Woroniecka looked for her perfect evening dress, Dominika Grnicka tried her dress on to check if it fits well. „I chose it because of the tulle it was made from”, Dominika explains her choice. „Our dresses are made from the highest quality fabrics, embroideries and laces. The same that are used to make name brand gowns.” clarifies Żaneta Szumkowska, co-owner of „Mon Cheri”, „It is all at the highest level.”

Żaneta pointed out that their dresses are imported from France, Italy, Turkey and Poland. Evening gowns are in wide rage of colours, made from mix of diffrent fabrics. They are classy and elegant. These dresses are ideal for wedding receptions or other important ceremonies like prom or birthday parties. The salon caters for the childrem, too. Girls who want to look beautiful for their First Communion should visit the salon with their parents. Also, every bride will find here a wedding dress for her special day. „We will make sure that every bride feels beautiful and special in our gown during the most important day of her life. Our offer caters for those who value stylishness, elegance, orginality and quality.”, says Żaneta Szumkowska.

During her fitting, Greta Pożarycka wanted to feel like a bride. She put on a beautiful white dress and a veil. She looked very pretty.

Girls left the salon impressed. They were charmed by many exquisite dresses and nice and professional service. „This is a very classy salon. I’m sure that everyone will find here the right dress, even the most picky girl.”, believes one of the finalists Monika Kłunduk.

The girls had a day full of new impressions. After trying on pretty dresses, the finalists had a fitting for exclusive leather jackets and coats in the salon „Karaliskas tigras” owned by Mieczysław Subel. The candidates will wear these outfits during the grand finale of  „’Kureir Wileński’ Girl – Polish Miss of Lithuania 2013” competition.

Mister Mieczysław is a sponsor of our competition for many years. Each year he gives a beautiful fur to one of the candidates. This year was not an exception. Mieczysław Subel, owner of the exclusive salon „Kraliskas tigras”, made one of the finalists happy. „I see already which one of the girls can leave the competition with out fur. The girls are lovely. Every woman should own a fur, to look like a queen. Men should make sure that their other half owns such a warm, shiny fur.”, says Mieczysław Subel.

The salon offers a wide range of patterns – from classic to extravagant. In our fixed offer we have a large choice of leather designs and furs. Mieczysław Subel uses information about fur trends from Milan fashion fairs.

Product range is diffrent each season at the salon „Karaliskas tigras”. These are the products of world’s manufacturers. The owner chooses the new collection at Milan fashion shows. All the pieces that can be bought at „Karaliskas tigras”, come from the capital of fashion. Everyone who wants to look wealthy, elegenat and at the same time stylish should visit „Karaliskas tigras”.

The girls, visiting such an exclusive salon and seeing beautiful furs, had to try them on. One of the finalists, trying on a fur, said that wearing it she feels like from a fairy tale. She has never worn anything like it before. She has never tried on a real fur, and last time she wore a fake fur was when she was in kindergarten. She remembers that it was pretty and warm. Now, when she tried on the fur from „Karaliskas tigras”, the warmth from childhood memories came back.

There was a lot to choose from for the candidates for the crown. Long or short? Or perhaps medium lenght? Close- fitting or loose? It was hard to decide. Each leather jacket or coat looks amazing. All the future Polish Miss of Lithuania admitted that the choice was difficult to make.

„I feel like a queen, this leather jacket is really beautiful. I feel like a million dollars, I have never worn anything like it before. It is so soft and light. Right after putting it on, I felt warm but it didn’t feel like I was wearing anything. It’s like a second skin. Every thing in here is to die for.”, said Alicja Dowejkis, posing for our photographer in beautiful leather jacket.

In the meantime, Emilia Kowalewska said she feels like at the fashion show abroad being in this salon.

When leaving the salon, candidates were silently hoping that they will be to one to receive the fur and be able to look gorgeous wearing it.  

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/03/18/metamorfozy-finalistek-miss-polka-litwy-2013/

Tłumaczenie Justyna Kaczmarek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Justyna Kaczmarek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 


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