• March 1, 2013
  • 386

THE PRESS REVIEW. About polemics and analyses

fot. wilnoteka.lt

In the shadow of the ruins of Ūkio Bankas among screaming babies coming into the world of home births and in the face of sophisticated mathematics of political parties, with the 1 +1 = 1, Polish affairs are difficult to maintain in the center of media attention. You have to try, so the main characters of the Lithuanian-Polish subjects  are trying to do their best.

His speech to the Polish thread interruption from public guarantees have been quoted at least several times in the media. The choice of topics is unlimited – the issues of education, the spelling of names or policies towards minorities are apparently immortal. Lithuanian politicians and journalists so eagerly play Polish card, the EAPL is not left behind. Press office party “not miss a trick” anyone. After each article hooks EAPL matters or one of its activists appear in official statements of polemic, denial, overthrow, or puts out errors.

Minister Wanda Krawczonok decided not to settle for exchange of views on the pages of one of the Lithuanian sites. In connection with the speech of the patriarch of the Lithuanian nation, the MEP V. Landsbergis , on the occasion of the Renaissance State of Lithuania has requested the Attorney General, accusing him of inciting a dissension against nationalistic . Pretext became words of the MEP for closing  Lithuanian schools in Poland.

Soon they found defenders of V. Landsbergis. Jūratė Laučiūtė in published in the newspaper “Lietuvos Zinios” a column “Let’s not confuse the authorities of the nation”, he writes: “By comparing the text to hear thousands of listeners (including me), with the one who created the W. Krawczonok, with great sadness comes ascertain that no one does not degrade the Polish people, as some Lithuanian Poles. It is wrong, that a member of parliament throws accusations and confuses the authentic text of another author with their comments and proposals. Even worse, however, that does not distinguish it from the authority of the nation state. “

The author stresses that V. Landsbergis spoke about closing schools in Puńsk Lithuania, with his “biting and irony.” He said, moreover about the Polish government, and not the whole nation, so accusing him of inciting enmity between nations is unfounded. Jūratė Laučiūtė draws two versions of “improper interpretation of the text” by Wanda Krawczonok. The latter is politically so either unaware or simply … have difficulty understanding the words of Lithuania.

“So far, I listened carefully and read the arguments of Poles, which they justify their reluctance to learn the language of the state on the same level as all the citizens of Lithuania. (…) But the escapade of W. Krawczonok, which is more than the words of V. Landsbergis deserves to be called a provocation aimed at escalation of misunderstandings between Lithuanians and Poles in some areas, forcing the evaluation of the achievements of another Polish education in Lithuania – they are downright pathetic. (….) Really funny when a Pole speaks poorly Lithuanian, a student or politician, complained that Lithuanians unjust Poles, and with all his might at the same time opposes the efforts of the state to correct this injustice “- summarizes J. Laučiūtė, gracefully touching issues on education no longer Lithuanians in Poland, but the Poles in Lithuania.

On the op-ed journalism “Lietuvos Zinios” responded on the other hand to Waldemar Tomaszewski, giving … official statement.

“J. Laučiūtė did not even mention about the arguments on this issue, such a move is highly unreliable and – given their willingness to publish their thoughts and continue the discussion in a medium that has a wide range of readers. Meanwhile, J. Laučiūtė, like an echo, repeating V. Landsbergis, Article often transforms “the Polish government,” rather than the Municipality Punsk “- we read in W. Tomaszewski letter.

And further: “It is interesting that the cause meant that the author lacked the courage to comment on the progress made by V. Landsbergis Polish minority in comparison with the” Nazis “kłajpedzkimi, because it is a statement about the ground dragonfly instigation of the feud, which – incidentally , in no way connected with the celebration of 16 February. Reasons why the author conceals what at the moment is not favorable, and highlights what is not exactly associated with the speech or V. Landsbergis Wanda Krawczonok request to the Attorney General? Is not know . Perhaps Jūratė Laučiūtė a friend V. Landsbergis and his collaborator – hard to say. Perhaps the author blinded status and history Vytautas Landsbergis – also not known. If so, this is her the real discreditation “- W. Tomaszewski says.

In view of the common driving away to rescue the Lithuanian schools closed by Lithuanians (in Poland, so Poland is guilty !), These events have dominated public discourse and newspaper columns. Thus significantly decreased the number of publications on EAPL and its actions to the Lithuanian political scene. Creatively to the case came Kristina Vaičiūnaitė, director of the Center for the Study of Eastern Europe, the Polish party which is treated as a hero is not news to which you can relate to, but as a phenomenon.

The portal Delfi.lt K. Vaičiūnaitė even  published a mini trail under the title unscientific “EAPL – last burp Soviet Lithuania?”, In which, inter alia, by means of graphs! Tries to analyze the origin, composition and program of the Polish party.

Very comprehensive text includes both philosophical problems concerning the name of the party (“Poles in Lithuania”, which is not necessarily the Lithuanian Poles?) And attempt to analyze the electorate party or accomplished by her politics.

“EAPL that has gained a lot – and as a regional and, as national party – had come forward with clear and ambitious program of development of Wilno. AWPL stubbornly claims that in the field of Economics in Vilnius and solecznickim is “all good”, and the main problem – the spelling of names and streets. If someone reminds you about some “economic” project – non-scaled way to his native village or incomplete restoration of the manor – takes for him with the a egoistic strength, typical of an adolescent child: Give me or I will cry “- says K. Vaičiūnaitė.

The author states that in 2011, most of the decisions taken by the board of the Vilnius Region Government, in which 19 out of 27 seats belongs to the Poles, concerned giving the names of the streets.

K. Vaičiūnaitė explanation for this, in her opinion, the lack of “habits of governance” (also supported by several other examples) tries to look at the composition of the party. Eloquent in its opinion, is the fact that all members of the Vilnius Region Government completed their studies prior to 1991, in Soviet times. Meanwhile, the board of Local Region Solecznickiego has already 4 councilors who completed their studies in independent Lithuania, and advice on the sidelines of words known by the Lithuanian government as this, that “it is easier to communicate.”

Although, the publicist adds, many members of the Councils of the districts of Vilnius and solecznickiego already in adulthood has additional education or enhanced their qualifications. Example is John Gabriel Mincewicz who at age 62 did his doctorate at Warsaw University. Cardinal Wyszynski. “It is only by this man deserves the highest praise and applause. Other words, the Soviet experience can be an important part of identity, does not necessarily determine a person’s actions,” – says K. Vaičiūnaitė.

A few more facts, including the mention of military service in the Soviet elections set out in the survey Waldemar Tomaszewski, the author interprets as evidence of Soviet mentality and a yearning for Big Brother. The icing on the cake, however, is the end of the article.

“Unambiguously positive thing is that EAPL appeared in big politics. Shows that skeptical, conservative, multi-national electorate and the Vilnius region Solecznik began to be involved in their future with an independent Lithuania. Mobile, educated, active Lithuanian Poles (and Russians) have long gone with the rest of Lithuania, moved to Vilnius (or other European Union countries), integrated, and made a career. Those who have not yet had their representatives in parliament. Now they have. Traditional politic parties had to move to the parliamentary “perch” to have enough space on it for plucked “ducklings.” Their behavior sometimes astonishes, sometimes shocking, but we all hope that they will grow into beautiful white swans. Instead, the expectation did not  that not extend, they are responsible EAPL leaders “- sums K. Vaičiūnaitė .

Oh, I guess the EAPL press office will be busy again.

Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/przeglad-prasy-o-polemikach-i-analizach

Tłumaczenie Katarzyna Dąbrowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Katarzyna Dąbrowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 


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