• January 1, 2013
  • 292

Haszczyński: If not now then when we will come to an agreement with each other


“If the new authorities treat the results of the referendum seriously then the endeavour to reach the energy independence will become even a more abstract idea than before”, Jerzy Haszczyński, a journalist of “Rzeczpospolita” who often writes about the Polish-Lithuanian relationship, said in an interview for PL DELFI. Haszczyński added that the results of the recent parliamentary elections are the most significant event for the Polish-Lithuanian relationship.

What do you think are the biggest success and the most serious failure of Lithuania? Why?

The biggest success of Lithuania, which is not limited only to the year 2012, is the patience of its citizens to the austerity programme and politicians who meddle in taxes and earnings. Their patience helped to achieve positive economic indicators.

The most serious failure is associated with the economy and mentality of the nation. And with the safety of the country as well. I mean that in the recent referendum, which was held together with the parliamentary elections, most Lithuanian citizens rejected the idea of building a new nuclear power station. If the new authorities treat the results of the referendum seriously then the endeavour to reach the energy independence will become even a more abstract idea than before. Lithuania had a far-reaching plan to become independent of Russian resources and energy. The plan would give a chance to maintain sovereignty if NATO or even the EU were weak. It was based mainly on the future nuclear power station. However, everything may collapse without the main element.

What do you think was the most significant event for the Polish-Lithuanian relationship in 2012? What are the chances and dangers to its development in 2013? 

The most significant event for the Polish-Lithuanian relationship is, of course, the results of the parliamentary elections and its Cabinet consequences. The fact that the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania [Polish: Akcja Wyborcza Polaków na Litwie; AWPL] crossed the 5% election threshold and consequently, has a quite significant representation in the Seimas is a situation new and also promising. Moreover, the victors, social democrats, and Poles have finally understood the possible opportunities associated with allowing AWPL to share the responsibility for the whole country and the serious treatment of the national minorities’ problems. Furthermore, the citizens of Lithuania have recently heard many reasonable comments on the importance of the relationship with Poland and the rights of minorities. If the comments and promises turn into concrete acts and laws then the reaction of Warsaw will be very positive. Of course, it is a very delicate matter, our experience recommends caution but we have to admit it openly: If not now, in this favourable political situation in Lithuania, then when we will come to an agreement with each other.

What do you think will be the most important tasks that Lithuania will face in 2013? 

At the beginning of 2013 the members of the new Cabinet have a lot energy that has to be used properly before the coalition members start to fight with each other or the dispute over the leadership between the President and the governing parties become the main political topic.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/opinie/opinie/haszczynski-jezeli-nie-teraz-to-kiedy-mamy-sie-porozumiec.d?id=60330363

Tłumaczenie Karolina Rolka w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Karolina Rolka the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.


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