Komorowski: the problems concerning minorities should not be carried over into the security policy.

In an interview for Wprost magazine, Polish President, Bronisław Komorowski, said that a firm stance should be adopted in relations with Lithuania. The Polish president is strongly against political interference
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WE ARE AT HOME IN VILNIUS We can win on our own

In the comunist period the word попутчик was willingly used to denote people who, though not considering themselves communists and not being members of the Bolshevic Party, supported the system
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Eišiškės and famous historical figures

‘This land possess a special, characteristic stigma, an idyllic one. Small forests scattered among the fields, and individual trees everywhere. Sometimes you look along the stubble and, here you go,
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Radczenko: Ideal Lithuanian government

Although the Polish-Lithuanian tension is visible on the line Vilnius-Warsaw, its causes are the domestic and they can be solved only in Lithuania. So let’s think about what should do
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Samsel: Perspectives of Polish policy towards Lithuania

A lot of columnists, web surfers and readers ask themselves what Polish policy should be towards Lithuania. There is no end of disputes and arguments about that. Some people claim
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Lentvaris incorporated into Vilnius? For Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (AWPL) it is a

Members of the Seimas will consider a proposal to incorporate Lentvaris, which currently is a part of the Trakai district municipality, to Vilnius. The project, which aims at changing boundaries
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Teachers will lose their jobs

Deputy Minister of Education and Science Vaidas Bacys said in a recent edition of “Veidas” that the number of schools in Lithuania in a few years time can be reduced
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Graduates of the Vilnius branch of the University of Bialystok received their diplomas

On Friday (August 27) in the hall of the House of Polish Culture the bachelor diplomas were distributed for the third promotion of the University of Bialystok’s Faculty of Economics
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The third graduation ceremony of the Bialystok University branch in Vilnius

The third year of economics and IT specialist graduates have just left the University. There have been 208 graduates since the branch has been established. Yesterday, that is the 27th
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EAPL goes to the elections as a nationwide party

The Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania approved its preliminary electoral list. The president of the EAPL, MEP Waldemar Tomaszewski, is on the top of the list. Currently, the list
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