Kurier Wileński

Something is changing for the better

At the end of October I had the pleasure to participate in a conference on the theory and practice of legal regulations concerning national minorities. Ljubica Djordjević, Fernand De Varennes,
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Lech Kczyński Square in Maišiagala

On Thursday, in Maišiagala was held the unveiling of the commemorative plaque dedicated to the late President of Poland Lech Kaczyński and also the opening of the Square at the
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Lech Kaczyński will be commemorated in Vilnius and Maišiagala

The official ceremony of unveiling the plaque with the name of Lech Kaczyński Street will take place at 4 p.m on Thursday, November 8 in Vilnius. The grand opening of
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Lithuanian language lessons in preschool

The Ministry of Education and Science intends to introduce the obligatory teaching of the Lithuanian language, writes the daily “Lietuvos žinios”. According to the program in preschools, at least five
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Polish TV programs already in Lithuania

In Lithuania you can already watch 5 television programs in Polish. The ceremonial inauguration of Polish TV broadcasting was made on Wednesday by Prime Minister RL Saulius Skvernelis and Polish
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The Parliament battles for two amendments to the Act on the Education System have begun

Lithuanian Parliament had to deal with two amendments to the discriminatory Act on the Education System which was amended in 2011 to the disadvantage of national minorities living in Lithuania.
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Discussions about textbooks to teach Polish language are ongoing

On March 7, another meeting was held regarding the possibility of preparing new textbooks for learning mother tongue in schools with Polish language of instruction. The conference was held at
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Double citizens and Lithuania – jealous homeland

Double citizenship is an issue that has long been reoccuring in the work of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania and has also been an unresolved issue for a
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Warsaw’s Polish Discussion Club: Unfulfilled promises draw Poles living in Lithuania towards Russia

Russia skillfully takes advantage of problems of the Polish minority to deteriorate relations between Warsaw and Vilnius: according to panel debate “Polityka zagraniczna RP a Polacy na Litwie” (TN: Poland’s
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Polish Discussion Club debates issues with textbooks: We can’t back down

Will Polish students living in Lithuania study from textbooks appropriate for the twenty-first century? On Thursday, January 25, this problem was discussed in the Polish Discussion Club. The debate took
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