- April 8, 2015
- 454
Promoting Poland on the buses and bus stops of Vilnius.

During promotional campaign from April 28 to May 12, 68 advertising posters, encouraging closer encounter with Poland ,will be exhibited on public transport stops in Vilnius.
Additionally, for two months 3 buses promoting Poland will be driving around Vilnius. The aim of the campaign is to present Poland as a country attractive to tourists, with rich culture, history and heritage.
Campaign entitled ‘Poland. Come and find your story’, took its exceptional mood, imagination stimulating flavor and lyrical atmosphere from the world of fairy tales begotten by the imagination of the masters of the quill and supported by the talents of illustrator artists – Little Red Riding Hood, The Little Mermaid, Alice in the Wonderland or romantic Italian story of Romeo and Juliet.
Outdoor posters depict scenes from a story of travelling to Poland, drawn in a manner typical for European culture of this genre of work. Artistic composition of the photographer’s shots, is at times romantic, nostalgic and dreamy, sometimes expressive and cheerful, perhaps a bit exaggerated and too idyllic, but effortlessly capturing imagination. In this message lies eternally provoking longing to come to know this area of childish imaginings, which follow most of people through their whole lives, despite the passage of time and accumulated experiences. The message is clear – those stories are still happening, experience them in Poland.
The campaign is organized by the Polish Tourist Organisation and the Polish Institute in Vilnius.
Translated by Antonina Górka within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.