- April 7, 2015
- 459
‘Znad Willi’ Signposts: Contemporary poetry

Vilnius holds a special place in Polish literature. Such names as Mickiewicz, Słowacki or Kraszewski are known to all Polish people.
Currently, there are also authors that write and create in Polish. In today’s episode we will talk about modern Vilnius poets.
History and the Present, people, places, phenomena and events in Vilnius and the Vilnius Region. The Vilnius Land hides many secrets and facts less known to the wider audience, which we will present in a new project called ‘Znad Willi’ Signposts.
In total, we will present 16 episodes, and each one of them will be devoted to a different topic.
Translated by Antonina Górka within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.