- September 14, 2014
- 454
Polish students from Lithuania on training in Polish companies

A few young Polish students from Lithuania – seniors or graduates from the branch of University of Bialystok in Vilnius, are doing internships in the bes companies of the Podlaskie Voivodeship in Poland.
The project “A step to career – students’ job interns for people of Polish origin living in Lithuania in the Podlaskie Voivodeship” is slowly coming to an end. The project was realized by the Foundation Window to the East.
12 young and ambitious people of Polish origin, students of the last year or BA studies or graduates of the faculties like computer science and economy of the University of Białystok, are about to finish their job interns.
Training began on 1st of July, and will end on 31st of September.
The participants of the project are on training in the best companies of the Podlaskie Voivodeship: Pronar Sp. z o.o., SaMASZ Sp. z o.o., Unibep S.A., Centrum Informatyki ZETO S.A., Biaform S.A., Podlasie Express Sp. z o.o.
The aim of the project was to strengthen the bond between Poland and Lithuania between students and graduates of the Vilnius branch of the University of Białystok.
All students took part in the series of training within the project which including topics like: effective methods of establishing and maintaing relations with client, working in the group, interpersonal communication, self-assertion, and effective methods of coping with stress.
Thanks to the internships, young Polish peoples from Lithuania have an opportunity to gain professional experience and establish professional relations with Polish companies and their employees. What is more, interns familiarize themselves with modern Poland, life conditions and prospects on the local job market. Participating in the project is a chance to pursue a career, develop international cooperation and increasing the level of identification with Poland.
The project was co-financed the funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within the competition concerning the task “Cooperation with Polish community and Poles abroad in 2014”
Translated by Ewa Żakowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.