• September 14, 2014
  • 457

Ethno Culture Festival in Rudomina. “Kada mes visi kartu dainuojame, then there is peace”

Poles, Tatars, Lithuanians, Belarusians and Russians presented their culture under the II Ethno Culture Festival in Rudomina. People could also try the Armenian cuisine and traditional Vilnius hunting dishes. The star of the evening was the famous Lithuanian singer Stano.

“Today we will familiarize ourselves with the culture of ethnic groups, their folklore and folk art. I am pleased that our festival was attended by a number of collectives who can show their traditions and therefore we can get to know each other “- greeted the guests Violetta Cereszka,  the director of the Multifunctional Cultural Centre in Rudomina.

The vice-president of the Sejm Jarosław Narkiewicz and the vice-mayor of Vilnius region Jan Gabriel Mincewicz came to the party. In his welcome speech Mincewicz referred to the history of the region. “In the era of globalization, the merging of cultures of different nations is characteristic throughout the entire world. This is particularly true if it is about our country, namely the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the whole of Lithuania and even more the Vilnius region, which has always been populated by a lot of Poles, Jews, Gypsies, Belorussians, Lithuanians and other nations. These nations have always been exposed and well known , “- said the vice-mayor.

Narkiewicz on behalf of himself and the fraction of AWPL gave employees of the Multifunctional Cultural Centre in Rudomina diplomas of recognition. “It is good that rudomiński cultural center organizes this international event. Nes butent, kada mes visi kartu esame ir dainuojame держа себя за руки, then there is peace “- the politic of AWPL greeted everyone, speaking three languages ​​at the same time.

At the party gave performances  bands and artists from different nationalities. Poles were represented by the bands Wilia and Hundred Smiles, Lithuanian culture was presented by Šviesa band.  There were also Russian band Arinuszka, Belarusian Suzorje and Tartar band Alije.

The star of the festival will be the famous Lithuanian artist Stano. ” I was invited by the concert’s organizers. It was such an unexpected move from their side. There were not the hearers who gathered signatures to ask  for a concert “- Stano replied jokingly to the question of how he got to the Ethno Culture Festival . However, the singer fully seriously added that it was a very important event. “This is a very important event, because it calls for cooperation and friendship between different nations” – said Stano. In his opinion, it was also a very good opportunity to get acquainted with the Vilnius country. Although, he lives near New Wilejka, never before had he a better opportunity.

Ethno Culture Festival in Vilnius region was held for the second time. The year before the event took place in Miedniki.

Translated by Katarzyna Ratajek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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