• September 4, 2014
  • 558

The Lithuanian Minister gave his consent to establishing Polish master degree studies in Vilnius.

The Lithuanian Minister of Education and Science Dainius Pavalkis gave his final consent to establishing master degree studies in economics at the Vilnius Branch of the University of Białystok. Studies will start on 1st November.

The recruitment for the two-year studies in economics started on 4th September.

Specialisations: Development and functioning of economy in society or Company on the market

Student applicants should submit following documents:

–          Bachelor’s degree diploma (in social sciences)

–          Photocopy of the identity card

–          Medical certificate (with an annotation “mokytis gali”)

–          Four photos (3×4)

–          Payment receipt of the recruitment fee (80 LTL/23.17 EUR)

The Vilnius Branch of the University of Białystok eagerly awaited the decision of the Lithuanian Minister of Education and Science, because the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Polish State Accreditation Committee already have granted permission for establishing master degree studies in economics. The University applied for the permission a year ago.

The University of Białystok was established in 1997. In 2006 the University made an effort to create its branch in Vilnius. On 19th June 2007 the government of the Republic of Lithuania gave its consent to establishing the branch of the University of Białystok in Vilnius (Faculty of Economics and Informatics in Vilnius). In accordance with the Lithuanian legislation such organisation could be established only after registration in the Register of Legal Entities and receiving a licence for conducting educational activity issued by the Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science. The procedures necessary for establishing the first Polish organisational unit of an University abroad were completed on 9th August 2007.

This June fifth class graduated from this branch of the University. Forty-six graduates received Bachelor’s Degree Diplomas.

Translated by Maciej Jóźwiak within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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