• August 23, 2014
  • 393

The Vilnius „Red Army Officer” is flying to London

The performance „The Memoirs of a Red Army Officer” by Polish Studio Theatre is very popular both in Lithuania and Poland. In September the actors will perform the play in London.

„There is always stage fright before the performance, but I think that this will be an interesting experience. Besides I have never been to London” – told zw.lt Edward Kiejzik, the lead actor.

The Vilnius theatre will perform in London at the invitation of the Polish Library POSK. “We have performed many times both in Lithuania and in Poland and we have noticed that the play is very popular. Therefore we think that the Polish diaspora in London will welcome us in a suitable manner. Watching the audience, both the older and younger one, and also children, everyone understood the play differently, but the reception was positive” – informed zw.lt Lilia Kiejzik, the director of the Polish Studio Theatre in Vilnius.

On 17th September, on the anniversary of the Soviet invasion in Poland, the play will be performed in Eišiškės, in September in Białystok and Łódź.

In November the Polish Studio Theatre is organising a theatre festival MONOEast, during which Polish theatres from all over the world will perform its plays. It is also then that one will have the possibility to see “The Memoirs of a Red Army Officer”.

„The Memoirs of a Red Army Officer” is a play based on a satirical novel by Sergiusz Piasecki. The director of the play, Sławomir Gaudyn, is an actor and a director from Poland. “I have adapted this book because of two reasons. First of all, because this book has been fascinating me for years and I read it approximately once in two months. Second of all, a long time ago I saw a play in Kraków that was based on this book. But the play was so awful that I thought that one could do a better job. The book is about something different than what was shown by that unfortunate play. That is why I decided to transfer that onto the stage myself and it is my third realisation of that performance” – told zw.lt S. Gaudyn a year before.a

Translated by Alicja Dudzik within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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