• August 21, 2014
  • 532

3rd Paneriai Motorbike Gathering will arrive in Villnius

Next Sunday, 24th August, 3rd Paneriai Motorbike Gathering will arrive in Vilnius with its leader Marcin Gałecki. Its start will begin together with the 14th International Katyn Motorbike Rally, which will set off from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Józef Piłsudzki Square in Warsaw after the formal parting on Saturday, 23rd August, at 9 o’clock.

The members of the Paneriai Gathering, who will be awaited by the scouts of the St Mary’s Vilnius Scouts of the name of the Lady of the Gate of Dawn, who will welcome bikers with flowers and bread and Vilnius smile and handshake, are inviting everyone to participate in the Mass at 5 o’clock PM in Paneriai.

The 14th Katyn Rally 2014, that will last for three weeks, because of its extended route and new patriotic places which it plans to visit will not arrive in Lithuania. The rally riders have to travel 8 500 km. They will ride through the territories of the following countries: Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia, to finish their journey at the Katyn Monument in Warsaw on 14th September. The third column of riders will take part in the 5th Huta Pieniacka’s Rally in Podolia.

The leader of the Katyn Rally Wiktor Węgrzyn (75) promises that in the next year the Rally will also visit Vilnius. The scouts of the St Mary’s Vilnius Scouts of the name of the Lady of the Gate of Dawn with this year’s chaplain of the Katyn Rally, priest scoutmaster Dariusz Stańczyk will also be in the column of about 80 riders.

Translated by Alicja Dudzik within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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