• August 19, 2014
  • 513

The President Dalia Grybauskaite has signed Jarosław Niewierowicz’s dismissal

The President Dalia Grybauskaite has signed a dismissal decree of vice-minister of energetics Jarosław Niewierowicz delegated by Lithuanian Poles Electoral Action.The person recquiring Niewierowicz to leave the Government was the PM Algirdas Butkevicius.

As the press service of the Office of the President informed, Jarosław Niewierowicz will have  been dismissed by 25th August, upon his arrival from vacation. Temporarily, until 7th September, all liabilities of the minister of energetics will have been realised by the minister of communication Rimantas Sinkevicius, and from 8th September until appointing a new minister- minister of economy Evaldas Gustas, is to be in charge.

The person who appealed for Jarosław Niewierowicz’s dismissal was Algirdas Butkevicius the PM. It was his reaction on the minister of energetics’  decision to nominate Renata Ctacka for the post of vice-minister in his department. The PM was genuinely irate when it turned out that, despite being previously warned, Jarosław Niewierowicz nominated Cytacka to be his deputy.

”It has been made clear that the political council of the leading coalition had settled that all vice-ministerial candidacies have to be personally approved by me. He( Jarosław Niewierowicz) had not received such approval, and on Thursday I told him that unless he did not re-nominate her( Renata Cytacka) for vice-ministerial post, I will appeal to the President for the minister’s dismissal”- said A. Butkevicius on Monday. The PM also added that the leading coalition’s political council would seriously consider AWPL’s further participation in the coalition.

Based upon: president.lt, BNS

Translated by Katarzyna Piskorz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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