- August 5, 2014
- 442
Help from Radom for compatriots in Dieveniškės
Cooperation betweenDieveniškėsand Radom lasts for 10 years. Within its framework are organized children stays from Polish families from the district of Dieveniškėsin Poland. While, to Dieveniškėsreceive from Radom gifts collected by the Knights of Columbus from Our Lady of Sorrows parish in Radom.
To Dieveniškėsfrom Radom came two buses with furniture, appliances, clothing, food and school supplies. “The gifts will go to the Poles who live in difficult conditions than us. Moreover, just before we left we received a call from Warsaw that one of the companies want to make a donation of three sets of computer” – said Leszek Jagiello, Knight of Columbus of Casimir Jagiellon Council in Radom. Leszek Jagiello added that for several years Radom try to help the Poles in Lithuania. Convoy aid was sent there for an 8th time.
Grupa dzieci z rejonu solecznickiego, licząca ponad 20 osób, podczas ostatniego pobytu, w lipcu 2014 r., zwiedziła Radom, Kraków, Tatry, w Wadowicach była w Muzeum “Dom Rodzinny Ojca Świętego Jana Pawła II”, w Warszawie – w Centrum Nauki Kopernik i w Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego.
Knights of Columbus bring gifts from Radom to compatriots in Dieveniškėsbefore the Easter holidays, Christmas and before the start of the school year. They also help by inviting children from Adam Mickiewicz High School in Dieveniškės for holiday in the district of Radom.
Group of children of Šalčininkai district, of more than 20 people during the last stay in July 2014, visited Radom, Krakow, the Tatras, in Wadowice they were at the Museum “Family House of Holy Father John Paul II,” and in Warsaw – the Copernicus Science Centre and the Museum of the Warsaw Uprising.
Translated by Patrycja Pawłowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.