• May 26, 2014
  • 411

Waldemar Tomaszewski’s alliance gained over 8 percent votes

Antoni Radczenko

According to the latest European Parliament election’s data, the Conservative , who gained  17,39 percent are winning. The Social democrats with 17,27 percent votes, are further. The Liberal Movement gained 16,52 percent votes, the Order and Justice- 14,27 percent, the Labour Party- 12,83 percent. Waldemar Tomaszewski’s electoral alliance gained 8,06 percent votes. The Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union- 6,62 percent.

According to rankings, Gabrielius Landsbergis  and Algidras Saudargas  pose to mandates of the Conservative Party .

The Social democrats: defeated in election Zigmantas Balčytis and  Vilija Blinkevičiūtė will presumably go to Brussels, both of them for the second tenure. Antanas Guoga and Petras Austrevičius  are the candidates of the Liberal Movement. Through the rankings, they ousted Gintaras Steponavičius from the first place.

Rolandas Paksas and Valentinas Mazuronis from the Order and Justice are also qualified. Electors of the AWPL  and the Russian Alliance chose Waldemar Tomaszewski, the Labour Party- Wiktor Uspaskich, the Peasant and Greens:  Ramūnas Karbauskis.

In the meantime, Dalia Grybauskaité, who is supported by the Conservative and Liberals, in presidential election gained nearly 58 percent votes, while her rival – social democrat and MEP,  Zigmantas Balčytis, around 40 percent.

The second ballot of presidential election in Lithuania took place altogether with election to the European Parliament. An attendance was 47 percent.

Source: http://zw.lt/litwa/blok-waldemara-tomaszewskiego-zdobyl-ponad-8-proc-glosow/

Tłumaczenie by Paulina Sulowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Paulina Sulowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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