• May 26, 2014
  • 408

Students of Polish schools among the winners of the Lithuanian language Olympiad


A student from High School of Władysław Syrokomla in Vilnius – Dominika Wasilewska won the Lithuanian language Olympiad for students from minority groups’ schools. In the contest which took place on the Lithuanian language department of the Lithuanian Educologic University took part 49 students from Polish and Russian schools from all over Lithuania.

Participants of the Lithuanian language Olympiad had to present their knowledge of the Lithuanian language written and spoken. Their works were graded by the committee led by the lecturer of the Lithuanian Educologic University, the head of the Centre of Lithuanian Language and  Literature dr Vilmy Leonavičienė.

The first grade award the committee gave to the student of 9th class of High School of Władysław Syrokomla in Vilnius – Dominika Wasilewska (teacher – Marija Česonienė). The second grade award went ex aequo to Evelina Vyšnėnaite from Junior High School ‘Juventos’ in Vilnius (teachers – Lilija Jankeliūnienė and Nerija Paulionienė) and Ewelina Wołowiczewa from Junior High School of John Paul II in Vilnius (teachers – Lina Činčiuvienė and Audronė Kuisytė-Zubkaitienė).

The committee assigned three equal third grade awards which went to: Margarita Buchovskaja from High School of A. Puszkin in Vilnius (teacher Jelena Štangejeva), Daniel Rogoża from Junior High School in Ejszyszki (teacher Svetlana Paliukienė) and Kamila Tomaszewska from High School of J. Lelewel in Vilnius (teacher Danutė Bandinskienė).

Like every year, participants of the Lithuanian language Olympiad for students from minority groups’ schools were awarded by the Ministry of Science and Education for the most interesting speeches and written works. Among the distinguished are students from Polish schools. Ewelina Wołowiczewa received a reward for the best grade from the language test. Agnieszka Sobieska from Junior High School of St. R. Kalinowski in Niemież was distinguished for ‘erudition in the field of culture’. The diploma for the great artistic work went to Daniel Rogoża from Junior High School in Ejszyszki.

On the basis of: smm.lt, lmnsc.lt

Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/uczniowie-polskich-szkol-wsrod-zwyciezcow-olimpiady-lituanistycznej

Tłumaczenie by Ewelina Filonik w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Ewelina Filonik within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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