• May 26, 2014
  • 359

The Grand Finale of the Radioeaters’ School. We know the winners!

Bożena Mieżonis

We know the winners of the 5th edition of the Radioeaters’ School, which motto these year was „PL-LT Island” (Wyspa PL-LT). The grand finale and award ceremony were preceded by the „Smile” cabaret performance on the stage of the Polish Community Centre (Dom Kultury Polskiej) in Vilnius.

In younger age group (5-7 grade) won Katarzyna Jachimowicz and Karolina Pukszto from the J.Lelewel Secondary School in Vilnius (Wileńska Szkoła Średnia im. J. Lelewela). In order group (8-11) won Ewelina Molis and Tomasz Tatol from the Jan Paweł II Secondary School (Gimnazjum im. Jana Pawła II).

The game was closely fought and the choice was difficult – the leaders had only few points more than other participants that made it to the podium (the whole list is attached below). This year’s jury consisted of editors and journalists from Radio Znad Wilii and zw.lt portal.

„The aim of the competition is to encourage students to independent thinking, to stimulate their creativity and I can assure you that we’ve accomplished it. Our major success is that the students themselves demonstrate initiative and participate more eagerly in the School of Radioeaters – they don’t have to be encouraged by their teachers” – says the general manager of the Radio Znad Wilii, Mirosław Juchniewicz.

He adds that the Radioeaters’ School promotes Polish media in Lithuania and encourages contributing to them.

The motto of this year’s competition is „LT-PL Island” and everything that is connected with it – literature, art, culture, daily life, history and the social arena in Lithuania. Participants had to present materials recorded in Polish on any video carrier – cell phone, camcorder, tablet, laptop and others.

“From students’ works it appears that there is more that links Poles and Lithuanians than separates. Although some political issues were not successfully avoided, it is visible that contemporary Polish and Lithuanian teenagers are able to communicate with each other. They are friends, spend time together, participate in common projects. This gives us hope for successful course of the Polish-Lithuanian relations” – thinks M. Juchniewicz.

The director of the Radio Znad Wilii emphasizes that one of the main aims of the competition is to convince teenagers that studies, work, investment in their own education and active participation in social life will pay off in the future.

„We want the participants of our contests to be active, open and to be Polish culture ambassadors wherever they find themselves to be. Those are the people that will create our country and Polish community in Lithuania” – stresses M. Juchniewicz.

Beside the prizes given by the competition’s jury during the finale, winners of the Internet users’ prizes were announced. Internet users chose the best video voting through the zw.lt portal. The winners were the authors of the most “liked” materials. In the younger age group the winners were Łukasz Kołpaka and Łukasz Skórko, who got 175 votes. In the older age category won Dominika Tomaszewicz and Patryk Lisowski, for whom 526 people voted.

The sponsors of the competition are PZU Fundation and LOTOS Group.

Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/swieto-poezji-w-borejkowszczyznie-0

Tłumaczenie by Małgorzata Łabuda w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Małgorzata Łabuda within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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