• May 23, 2014
  • 425

Poetry Holiday in Bareikiškės


Declamations, calligraphy and poems’ composition classes, ceramics workshops and many more attractions were prepared by the employees of the Museum of Vladislovas Sirokomlė in Bareikiškės on the “Sirokomlė’s Lyre” Poetry Holiday.

The Museum of Vladislovas Sirokomlė in Bareikiškės was opened in September 2011 after the renovation. A small manor house, in which Vladislovas Sirokomlė was living and creating in years 1853-1860, was renovated from the EU funds. The area adjacent to the manor house was tidied up, tourist equipment rental shop and bathrooms were built. Beside muzeum exhibition devited to the artist, pottery studio was created. Workshops, exhibitions and literary meetings take place in the museum.

The “Sirokomlė’s Lyre” Poetry Holiday is a series of events that take place between the 21st and 24th of May. Students from Vilnius and Vilnius Region were invited to come on the first day of the feast. They explored the new museum exposition devoted to the life and artistic work of Vladislovas Sirokomlė and then learned to write with a quill pen and a nib. On Thursday, the exposition of the works of Elżbieta Jankowska-Bortkiewicz titled „Dosłownie” (“Literally”) was opened.

On Friday, the third day of the “Sirokomlė’s Lyre” Poetry Holiday, the poets, musicians and music enthusiasts gathered in Bareikiškės.  Under the trees in Sirokomlė’s garden the workshops of calligraphy, pottery and poems’ composition took place. The poets presented their artistic work, the “Ballada” band from Vaidotai sang and the employees of the museum offered tea and coffee from samovar.

It is also possible to go to the Museum of Vladislovas Sirokomlė on Saturday, May 24.  This day the literary café “Na Syrokomlową nutę” („In Sirokomlė’s rithm”) will be opened. The guests of the café will have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the songs and stories of Vladislovas Sirokomlė that were published on 1908 by the printing house of Józef Zawadzki in Vilnius. They will also hear songs to the words of “lirnik wioskowy” (“the village lyrist”) performed by the vocal band of the Museum of Vladislovas Sirokomlė.

Based on: tic.vrsa.lt.

Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/swieto-poezji-w-borejkowszczyznie-0

Tłumaczenie by Małgorzata Łabuda w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Małgorzata Łabuda within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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