- May 23, 2014
- 450
‘Dancing With The Stars’ finale: Joanna Moro defeated by Aneta Zając!

“Singular messages decided about the winning”, said the host of the dancing show, Anna Głogowska. From the very beginning Moro was considered to be a favorite, but ultimately spectators decided about the winning.
“I’ve voted for Joanna Moro” , said Maryla Rodowicz who added luster to the show by performing her song.
“It doesn’t matter who will win because everyone who took a part in this show have already won! It was a great time that I will remember to the rest of my life because dancing – is my one true love”, wrote Joanna Moro on her Facebook profile before the finale.
The winning prize in the 14th edition of ‘Dancing With The Stars’ was traditionally the Crystal Globe and 150 thousand that Aneta Zając received.
Translated by Edyta Zarzeczna within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.