- May 22, 2014
- 369
The event of cutting down bushes on the Rossa cemetery has just finished

On Thursday (22nd of May) undergone the event of cutting down bushes on the Rossa cemetery, organized by the Social Committee for Taking Care of the Old Rossa.
‘Everything cannot be done for sure, but the main part was managed to be done. We were working honestly for two hours.’ – said the headmaster of Junior High School of John Paul II – Adam Błaszkiewicz.
Also workers from the Polish diplomatic office, representatives of schools from Vilnius, the Club of Vilnius Wanderers, scouts, the Circle of Vilnius Patriotic Youth were activated in this action. ‘There were also some Vilnius citizens, but there could be much more people’ – said Błaszkiewicz.
Moreover, the Social Committee for Taking Care of the Old Rossa two times during the year – in the Autumn before the 1st of November, and in the Spring before the 3rd of May – organize the great cleaning during which take part mainly students from Polish schools from Vilnius and the region. Each year more and more active become students from Lithuanian schools. ‘Such care for Rossa is for students the best lesson of patriotism and history’ – says the chairman of the Committee – Alicja Klimaszewska.
Source: http://zw.lt/wilno-wilenszczyzna/zakonczyla-sie-akcja-wycinania-krzewow-na-rossie/
Tłumaczenie by Ewelina Filonik w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Ewelina Filonik within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.