- May 21, 2014
- 501
Ewa Szturo as a winner of Grand Prix in Polish songs contest

Ewa Szturo, a student of Junior High School of J.I.Kraszewski in Vilnus has won the Grand Prix of XV Festival of Polish Song for Children and School Youth. In the anniversary contest organized by the Association of Teachers from Polish Schools in Lithuania “Macież Szkolna” took part 58 students from Polish schools in Lithuania.
Participants of XV Festival of Polish Song for Children and School Youth were divided into 5 age categories. Performances were assessed by the jury under the leadership of a musician, children song composer, secretary of International Committee of Smile Order – Barbara Kolago. The jury also included the music teacher and expert Alfred Ciechanowicz, music lecturer on the Lithuanian Educology University – dr Asta Rauduvaitė.
In the first category (children to 8 years old) the first award won Marzena Burzyńska from the Kindergarten department in Grygajcie Junior High School of St. R. Kalinowski in Niemież (teacher Bożena Czerniewska), the second – Emilia Galperman from High School of J. Lelewel in Vilnius (teacher Alicja Rogielewicz), third – Agata Masłowska from High School of Sz. Konarski in Vilnius (teacher Krystyna Tiažkienė).
In the second category (children from 8 to 11 years old) the first place sang Gabriela Baniukiewicz, second Daniel Tylingo – students from High School of Lazdynaj in Vilnius, prepared by the teacher Diana Boguszko. The third place in this category won Gabriela Mockutė from Junior High School of J. Śniadecki in Sołeczniki (teacher Tatiana Kukis).
In the third category (children from 11 to 13 years old) the first place was given to Andrzej Stankiewicz from Pro Junior High School of John Paul II in Vilnius (teacher Regina Ledichowa). There were also two equal second place awards for Małgorzata Patrycja Winkiel from Pro Junior High School of John Paul II in Vilnius (teacher Regina Ledichowa) and Emilia Raczko from High School Lazdynaj in Vilnius (teacher Diana Boguszko).
In the fourth category (children and youth from 13 to 16 years old) the first award gained Faustyna Zawalska from Junior High School of A. Mickiewicz in Vilnius (teacher Mirosława Salnik), the second – Justyna Klemiato from Junior High School of J.Śniadecki in Sołeczniki (teacher Tatiana Kukis), the third – Monika Rynkiewicz from High School Lazdynai in Vilnius (teacher Diana Boguszko).
In the oldest, fifth category (youth till 18 years old) the first place gained Karolina Grunt from High School of Wł. Syrokomla in Vilnius (teacher Jolanta Dekevičienė), the second – Andrzej Iwaszko from Junior High School of John Paul II in Vilnius (teacher Bożena Sokolińska), the third – Katarzyna Matuiza from High School of L. Narbutt in Koleśniki (teacher Bożena Mieżewicz).
Grand Prix of XV Festival of Polish Song for Children and School Youth jury gave to Ewa Szturo from Junior High School of. J. I. Kraszewski in Vilnius (teacher Janina Stupenko). As the leader of jury Barbara Kolago said, the song ‘Powrócisz tu’ from the repertoire of Irena Santor performed by Ewa Szturo was sang so clearly and emotionally that the jury did not have any doubts who should win the first prize.
The Association of Teachers from Polish Schools in Lithuania “Macież Szkolna” which was the organizer of the contest, prepared diplomas and souvenirs for all the participants and their teachers. Winners got attractive thing awards.
In the portal ‘Wilnoteka’ soon will be available videos from XV Festival of Polish Song for Children and School Youth.
On the basis: Inf.wł.
Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/ewa-szturo-laureatka-grand-prix-konkursu-polskiej-piosenki
Tłumaczenie by Ewelina Filonik w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Ewelina Filonik within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.