- May 2, 2014
- 410
A new life of a Polish kindergarden in Janczuny

On 2nd May in the village Janczuny ( the commune Butrymańce, Soleczniki region) took place a solemn opening of the versatile center. In the venture that was of a big importance for all the village`s residents took part the distinguished guests, among those the candidate for the position of the President of Lithuania, the deputy of the European Parliament and the leader of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (LLRA), Waldemar Tomaszewski.
The local kindergarten was renovated by the self – government of Soleczniki within the frame of executing the project “ The complete renovation of the building of crèche – kindergarten in Janczuny and adjusting it to the need of the universal versatile center.”
The cost of this investment – 2 060 000 Litas, where 85 percent stipulates the assets from the European Union. The building works included the complete renovation of the kindergarten’s building, the managing the area by the building will be executed as a separate project.
Within the project a new roof was built, the walls were heated, the windows and doors were changed, the electric installation was renovated, a watersupplyandsewagedisposalsystem was created, it was built a boiler house, and there were made some changes in the inside construction- functional system were made.
While executing the project, the building of the crèche – kindergarten was divided into 3 spheres in which the following parts were created: the crèche, kindergarten, library and the center of the local community equipped with the gym and the computer class.
The educational institution built in 1978 by the local kolkhoz was the first kindergarten in the Soleczniki region where the children were taught in a Polish Language.
– I knew at once that we are building the kindergarten. In spite of the then district authorities we managed to achieve our goal – in Janczuny appeared a polish kindergarten built and belonging to the kolkhoz. It was not only the first kindergarten in the Soleczniki region but also in the whole Lithuania – said during the ceremony the former chairman of the kolkhoz in Janczuny, Jan Olechnowicz.
The mayor of the Soleczniki region Zdzisław Palewicz, who was born in Janczuny, congratulating the compatriots the beautiful, renovated versatile center, emphasized that together with them he is witnessing a historical and symbolical event.
The modern vertalite center is a wonderful example of the fact that we are raising from the ashes after years of the spiritual fall, and we are doing it together. Our people always were able to look optimistically in the future and could not to lose faith in ourselves. It is not just a renovation of the building, but also paying a tribute to the older generations which formerly built in the village a Polish kindergarten. The expressions of the fidelity to the common traditions and an obligation to take care of the residents. We are opening the center at the the Day of Polish Diaspora and Poles Living Abroad, an important national holiday both for the whole country and the Vilnius Region – said Z. Palewicz
The candidate for the President of Lithuania, Waldemar Tomaszewski, sharing his joy with the residents of Janczuny because of the opening emphasized that it is a good example of the resourcefulness of the Vilnius region`s residents on a Republic`s scale. The politician pointed out that leading by the representatives of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania the self – governments of the Vilnius and Soleczniki region can well manage and lead investments to improve the living conditions of their residents, not being involved in any corrupt scandals.
– In the days when we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of establishing the Association of Poles in Lithuania we cannot forget of our predecessors ` and older generations` merits that fought and „kept” for us the Polish character. Our obligation is to leave this for the younger generations for whom the possibilities of being taught in the Polish language is given already in the kindergarten and is continued till the higher education –emphasized Waldemar Tomaszewski
Referring to the nearest political ventures in the country – the election and election to the European Parliament – a politician expressed a conviction that they are particularly important for the polish community. Although in the last years the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania managed to get a strong position on the Lithuanian political scene, to create its own faction in the Sejm and to become one of the founders of the ruling coalition, the whole series of the problems of the Polish national minority in Lithuania is still to be solved.
– We have to take part in the election and win to strengthen our political positions and thereby not to make the possibility for our opponents to slander us for any old reason. We have to defend Mr Bolesław Daszkiewicz and we will make it. In the election in May each of the votes will be important – emphasized Waldemar Tomaszewski.
The community of Janczuny presented a music concert because of the opening of the versatile center in which different generations of the village`s residents – starting with the kids and the grandchildren and ending with the parents and grandparents took part.
By the ending of the ceremony the distinguished guests along with the director of the versatile center in Janczuny planted in front of the entrance an apple tree that over the years will not only make the area more beautiful but it will also please the pupils of the kindergarten and the guests of the center with its delicious fruits.
Andrzej Kołosowski
Source: http://l24.lt/pl/oswiata/item/32593-nowe-zycie-polskiego-przedszkola-w-janczunach
Tłumaczenie by Barbara Toczek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Barbara Toczek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.