- March 29, 2014
- 379
„Idy teatralne” [“Theatrical ides”] – the weekend with a theater

Friday evening, on the 28th March, in the House of Polish Culture in Vilnius started the big venture devoted to the World Theater Day.
For the fourth time the Polish Studio Theatre [Polskie Studio Teatralne] and Club of Theatrical Art [Klub Sztuki Teatralnej] organized „Idy Teatralne” [“Theatrical ides”] to present their spectators one of the best plays staged during the last years by the PST`s actors. As the director Lilia Kiejzik emphasizes, the Polish Studio Theatre has lately delighted in the one actor`s plays, so this year “the main characters” of the venture are: „Zapiski oficera Armii Czerwonej” [“The memoirs of the Red Army`s officer”] and „Lalki, moje ciche siostry” [“The dolls, my quiet sisters.”]
Just as in the shows form the previous years, there appeared many guests – students from the Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw [Akademia Teatralna im. Aleksadra Zelwerowicza w Warszawie] for the second time came to the Vilnius region with the play “Pierwszy raz” [“The first time”], while the students of the Saint Kazimierz High School in Miedniki [Szkoła Średnia im. św. Kazimierza w Miednikach] present the play „Historia, którą znam od mamy” [„The story that I learned from my mum”].
The venture begun with the performance of students from Miedniki and “The memoirs of the Red Army`s officer” that was liked by the Vilnian spectators. The youth from Miedniki staged the play that was directed by the school`s graduate: Inga Kucewicz, Andżeła Rawojt, Jelenę Połujańska. The children of Mr.Andżeła and Jelena attend the school in Miedniki and together with the school friends took part in the contest about “Żołnierze Wyklęci” [“Indomitable Soldiers”], organized in Poland.
– When we were invited on the 1st March for the contest`s results to Kobyłka near to Warsaw, it was suggested that we, as a group, should perform something. That is why we thought about a play that could picture “Indomitable Soldiers” connected with the Vilnius region – said Inga Kucewicz, mentioning that taking part in the contest was for the youth a stimulus to get to know the history of the indomitable heroes of the Home Army.
In turn, the play “The memoirs of the Red Army`s officer” which premiere was held on 17 September last year, gained popularity in a short time and on Friday evening was shown for the 5th time (twice in Poland). The leading actor – Edward Kiejzik – for more than 1,5 hour by the modest decoration and continuous monolog was keeping in suspense the spectators and – although he delivered this monolog for the fifth time – he tried to interpret some scene quite different. The play, directed by Sławomir Gaudyna, is a stage show of a Sergiusz Piasecki`s grotesque novel. “The memoirs of the Red Army`s officer”– it is a satire on a mechanized way of a man`s thinking whose psyche was irreversibly destroyed by the totalitarian system. The main character is sometimes funny, sometimes boorish or coarse, and at the same time lost somewhere in bourgeois ideology that he justifies his behavior and fights with imaginary, “bourgeois” enemies.
“Theatrical idees” last during the whole weekend.
On Saturday, the 29th March at o 3p.m. in the Culture Centre in Miedniki [Ośrodek Kultury w Miednikach] the following plays will be staged.
„The first time” performed by the actors of the theatre „Collegium Nobilum” from The Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw.
– “The story that I learned from my mum.” –performed by the students from the Saint Kazimierz High School in Miedniki.
On Sunday, the 30th March, in a Versatile Culture Centre in Rudomin at 1.30 p.m. [Wielofunkcyjny Ośrodek Kultury w Rudominie] o godz. 13.30 the play „Dolls, my quiet sisters” will be staged.
Source: http://www.l24.lt/pl/kultura-pl/item/30305-idy-teatralne-weekend-z-teatrem-zdjecia
Tłumaczenie by Barbara Toczek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Barbara Toczek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.