- December 30, 2013
- 584
The finale of the contest “Talents of Vilnius 2013”: A real sensation

Christmas concerts in Nemenčinė and Rudamino, which took place on 28th and 29th December 2013 in Versatile Culture Centre (“Wielofunkcyjny Ośrodek Kultury) in Nemenčinė, were the summing-up of the contest “Talenty Wileńszczyzny 2013” (“Talents of Vilnius 2013”). There were two stages of the contest and 14 the most talented performers. The stars of the performances were – Ewelina Saszenko, a singer and Zbigniew Lewicki, a maestro.
Jarosław Narkiewicz, the chairperson of the government of RL, Maria Reść, the mayor of Vilnius Region attended the gala concert of gifted children and teenagers. The guests wished comers and performers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The arrival of a Santa Clause, who gave presents to all children, was a capstone of the contest.
People were extremely interested in the concert and the stars were, for sure, those people who mainly attracted people: Ewelina Saszenki, the singer and Zbigniew Lewicki, the violinist of State Lithuanian Symphony Orchestra. Lewicki, who chaired the commission of judging the performances of young talented performers, raised their spirits before their performances. He also often appeared on stage and played with them or accompanied them.
The masters of “Czardasz” with Rafał Jackiewicz, a young saxophonist, was a real pearl of the concert. The audience were moved with the performance of the piece and called for an encore.
The concert in Nemenčinė may be considered to be a debut concert, since the audience often called “The first time.” The actors of Polish Theatre Studio in Vilnius debuted as the hosts of the event – Patrycja Surwiło and Witold Rudzianiec. Not only did they announce the performance sharply, but they also asked a lot of surprising questions. The young talented performers were aware and the hosts did not manage to take them aback. The performers answered easily and joked from time to time.
Ewelina Saszenko also was the person who debuted in Nemenčinė but she promised it was not her last time. She sang two songs – solo and duetted with Elżbieta Oleszkiewicz.
The participant of “Eurovision” said that she also started with the contest and she counted them as many as nearly 30.
It is surprising that the finalists treat their passion to sing, play and dance seriously. Elżbieta said that she would like to sing professionally in the future and follow in Ewelina’s footsteps.
The young dancers – Karolina Małyszko and Eligijus Baliukonis – treat their hobby seriously. Although, their not-dancing parents took them on Dance Classes, the young people are so fascinated with dance that they would like to swirl dancing through the whole life.
Waldemar Dudojć admitted that he had been singing since his childhood “if there is an occasion or not.” Nikołaj Baskow i Merūnas Vitulskis are his idols and Dudojć would like to be as well-known singer as Bernard Ładysz is.
Agata Romanowska, who recited “Ptasie radio” by Julian Tuwim, showed that she has the makings of an actress and enunciate words carefully. Witold Rudzianiec, enchanted with her talent, said that she would be a successor to Joanna Moro, the well-known actor playing the part of Anna German. He gave her a bell from Lila Kiejzik, the manager of PST, in award for a theatrical performer.
“Occupied with music” – it is a good expression to describe Paulina Klimašauskaitė, who sings, plays the piano and the violin and dances. She proved to be versatile at the concert, playing the piano and then singing and dancing to the song “Cygańska jesień” (“Gypsy autumn”).
We could continue enumerating gifted participants, as Elena Galin, Paulina Anisimowa, and pianist Erikas Sadauskas (played solo and dueted with Lewickim), expressive Karolina Klimaszewska, Katarzyna Mackiewicz, Faustyna Zawalska, Silvija Kasperaitė and Kinga Lewko who has an original timbre voice, proved that they all did not get the contest finale accidently and that they have a real gift. The audience appreciated it and they expressed their satisfaction with the performers.
Zbigniew Lewicki, the maestro, could feel satisfied. In the beginning he was sceptical about the contest. Then, he expressed his happiness and was full of humour at the concert.
– Such a concert has been for the first time. It is a real sensation. Every person is talented but if they withdraw into themselves, they waste their talent – Lewicki said. He also added that the aim of the contest was to find a talented person and give them a chance to begin performance professionally.
Edmund Szot, the manager of culture, sport and tourism department of local government in Vilnius region, the author of the contest, was entranced.
– Vilnius region is famous for gifted people. Talent is a gift from God. One has to develop and show it. It was the main purpose of the contest – said, the joyous manager of culture department. – We do hope that next contests will be as successful and rich in gifted people as this one.
The four-person delegation from Stalowa Góra also paid the participants complements. They were sent by the president and favoured three performers: Elżbieta Oleszkiewicz, Paulina Anisimowa and Elena Galin, giving them awards.
Source: http://l24.lt/pl/kultura-pl/item/24328-final-konkursu-talenty-wilenszczyzny-2013-prawdziwy-ewenement
Tłumaczenie by Anna Kwiatkowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Anna Kwiatkowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.