• December 10, 2013
  • 404

Gałczyński’s poetry and pre-war hits. Polish Studio of Theatre in Lodz

© Barbara Jundo-Kaliszewska

Yesterday (9th December), the Polish Studio of the Theatre in Vilnius was in the Museum of the City of Lodz. The guests from Lithuania performed the play “Na wileńskiej ulicy” (“On Lithuanian Street”) directed by Liliji Kiejzik on the Historic Stage in the Mirror Room in the Palace of Poznansky.

The performance was based on Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński’s poetry, who was living and writing in Vilnius in 1934-1936. The poet felt at home with the city very quickly, which is expressed in many poems, in which the plot of Willi, Wilenki and Vilnius comes again. Popular hits from the 30s such as „Ta ostatnia niedziela” („The last Sunday”) and „Miłość ci wszystko wybaczy” („Love will forgive you everything”) as well as the liryc of K. I. Gałczyński used in the performance in the December evening before Christmas carried people from Lodz to the pre-war period. In the candlelight, with piano accompaniment and with the coffee tables in the background, the artists recalled the spectators that it was one of the best period of Vilnius’ poetry.

Spectators gathered in large numbers acclaimed the artists with great pleasure. The auditorium was filled with repatriated people, their descendants and other people connected with Kresy (Borderlands).

Chairman of the Association ‘Wspólnota Polska” (“The Polish Commonwealth”) – the branch in Lodz and co-organizer of the performance Maria Piotrowicz said about the role of the Polish Studio of the Theatre in Vilnius. She said that it has been playing an important role in the process of keeping and creating of the Polish’s identity for over 30 years. She emphasized that it is not the first time when the Polish Studio of the Theatre in Vilnius enjoys the association of “Wspólnota Polska’s” (“The Polish Commonwealth”) hospitality. To prove many year’s friendship, she gave the logo of the association to the manager of the Polish Studio of the Theatre in Vilnius Liliji Kiejzik. The artists from Vilnius gave an angel symbolizing honorary membership of the Polish Studio of the Theatre in Vilnius to chairman Maria Piotrowicz.

The Polish Studio of the Theatre in Vilnius performed in Lodz at the Association “Wspólnota Polska’s” (“The Polish Commonwealth”) invitation – the branch in Lodz and the Museum of the City of Lodz.

Source: http://zw.lt/kultura/poezja-galczynskiego-przedwojenne-szlagiery-polskie-studio-teatralne-w-lodzi/

Tłumaczenie by Anna Kwiatkowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Anna Kwiatkowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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