• December 4, 2013
  • 364

The Polish and the Russian are together in the election to EP

© Marian Paluszkiewicz

Akcja Wyborcza Polaków in Lithuania (Election Campaign of the Polish) and Alians Rosjan (Alliance of the Russian) will create their common list for the next year’s election to EP. MEP Waldemar Tomaszewski and parliamentary representative of RL, Irina Rozowa, who are also the chairmen of the party, informed about this fact on yesterday’s  (4th December) press conference.

–          Today, we submitted an application for the common participation of our parties to the EP elections – said, Waldemar Tomaszewski, MEP. He also explained that this decision is a cause of the experience of the cooperation of AWPL and AR.

–          It is obvious that we plan to continue our cooperation, as we gained 8 seats in the parliament after the municipal election, European Parliament election and parliamentary election – Waldemar Tomaszewski said.

Irina Rozowa hopes that the cooperation between two parties will help increase a number of European mandates.

–          Waldemar Tomaszewski works really well in the European forum and I’m sure he’s not the weak point there. He can protect interests of our voters. I do hope that our cooperation will succeed and we’ll gain more mandates. – Irina Rozowa said.

The leader of AWPL said that a growing support for parties of national minority and the Lithuanian let feel optimism about the results of the election to EP.

–          We have a chance to gain two extra mandates – Tomaszewski said.

According to a parliamentary representative, Rozowa, the presence of representatives of national minority in the European Parliament is important, especially because of the forced assimilation process in the whole Europe.

–          When it comes to the globalization, it is important to preserve the identity, it’s important that the German maintain the German, the French –  the French and the Lithuanian – the Lithuanian – Irina Rozowa said.

Both AWPL and AR declared that they are willing to accept the proposition of the cooperation between them and other parties in the election campaign. “If other parties are willing to cooperate with us in the election to EP, we are open to their propositions. I would like to recall that we cooperated with Litewska Partia Ludowa (Peasant Lithuanian Party) at the election in 2012” – Waldemar Tomaszewski said.

The leaders of both parties resent the insinuation that they cooperate with the Russian. According to the Lithuanian, the information of their cooperation is included in the report on the dangers for national security by the Department of Country Security.

Waldemar Tomaszewski said that the information in the report by the Department is disinformation. He also lamented the commitment of the disinformation by the institution which should provide national security.

The leader of AWPL said that the common list is under discussion and the results of the discussion will be presented before the election to EP.

The election is going to take place on 25th May 2014. They will be held at the same time when the possible second tour of presidential election will be held.

The leader of AWPL said that it is too early to say about the cooperation between AWPL and AR in the presidential election. He also stated that he is waiting for the collective decision in the presidential election.

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/12/04/polacy-i-rosjanie-razem-w-wyborach-do-ep/

Tłumaczenie by Anna Kwiatkowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Anna Kwiatkowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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