• December 4, 2013
  • 347

„Bajeczki z przedszkolnej półeczki” („Fairy Tales from a kinder garden’s shelf”). Jubilee Festival of Young Actors

© zw.lt

The Association of Polish School’s Teachers in Lithuania “Macierz Szkolna” (“School Matrix”) organized the review of performances by young actors – pupils of Polish Kinder garden groups for the tenth time. 17 Kinder gardens from all over the Vilnius region presented themselves at the festival “Bajeczki z przedszkolnej półeczki” (“Fairy tales from a kinder garden’s shelf”).

9 theatre groups from Vilnius, 6 theatre groups from the Vilnius region and 2 theatre groups from Soleczniki region performed the plays.

The best play wasn’t chosen this time. All kinder gardens were given awards.

“The awards were material and the kinder gardens had an opportunity to choose it. One kinder garden needed material to sew costumes, another one needed a recorder” – Krystyna Dzierżyńska, the chairman of School Matrix, said

Source: http://zw.lt/wilno-wilenszczyzna/bajeczki-z-przedszkolnej-poleczki-jubileuszowy-festiwal-mlodych-aktorow/

Tłumaczenie by Anna Kwiatkowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Anna Kwiatkowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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