• May 21, 2013
  • 480

60 finalists of the contest: “My child in front of the camera”

© Marian Paluszkiewicz

A session of such a committee is absolutely extraordinary. One should see, with what an extent of love the photographs are selected and with what a deep regret put away, as the number of such that can be qualified for the final stage of the contest is limited.

As for the competition, we obviously mean the traditional contest held by “Courier of Vilnius” – entitled: “My child in front of the camera”, which is one of the most popular amongst our readers. With every year they are sending more and more photographs of their children and they represent significantly better and more artistic quality. This is actually the crux of the matter – and it lies in capturing some special moments of the life of children, so that a photograph could reflect their personality.

– We would love so much to honour all the photographs… – exclaimed the chief editor of “Courier of Vilnius” during his work.

– Unfortunately, we cannot do this because of the basic rule – a contest is a contest and its principles consist in selecting as many finalists as many years we have been present on the market. Owing to the fact that we will be celebrating our 60th anniversary this year, precisely 60 photographs are to be selected for the final stage of the contest.

The seats of the committee are held traditionally, among others, by: Zofia Matarewicz, the general director of transport company “Sofina”, the headmaster of the school and the kindergarten “Wilia”, Lucyna Kałtan, the director of the “Lisenas” company, Helena Gasperska, the headmaster of the Vilnius Primary School in Lipówka (which holds this year’s final of the contest), Halina Janczunska, the author and sponsor of children’s tales collection, Stanisław Michałkiewicz, the journalist of the Polish Programme of the Lithuanian Radio, Robert Mickiewicz, the chief editor of “Courier of Vilnius”, Andrzej Podworski, the organizer of the contest and the commercial director of the daily newspaper.

– We are so pleased that the readers have fully comprehended the major idea of this photography competition, which means that they keep sending more intriguing shots presenting their children – explained the chief editor of “Courier of Vilnius”. – The photographs are therefore even more artistic. Selecting them for the final stage is, for one thing, an extremely pleasant activity, as we see these joyfully and broadly smiling little faces. For another, though, not an easy one, as we have to “harm” some of them, seeing that not everyone can be qualified to the final.

What encourages, is the fact that the readers rose to the challenge once again – we were delivered over 200 photos.

This year the Primary School in Lipówka, which is located in the near vicinity of the editor’s office, hosts the final event of the contests.

It is worth recalling that last edition took place for the first time in Vilnius Laxdynai, whereas the previous ones were held in the kindergartens. This also aims at promoting a particular educational institution, so that parents could decide, to which one their children are supposed to attend.

As we have already mentioned above, this year we will be celebrating a jubilee of the contest, which dates back to 1998, whereas the daily newspaper has been present on the market for 60 years.

The photographs were sent not only from Vilnius and its nearest region, but also from other Lithuanian and Polish cities – remarked Andrzej Podworski, the organizer of the competition.

What is the most difficult part of the organization of such an event? Obviously – gaining money for the prizes, which means the necessity of having sponsors. The director Podworski is therefore pleased that our regular sponsors remain faithful to the newspaper for years.

With regard to the sponsors, in the first place we should mention Zofia Matarewicz, who has been a member of the committee since the very first edition of the contest. Nothing remains unnoticed from her. She is always able to recognize the child, regardless of the number of photos sent, the pose, the clothes or the age, at which the photograph was taken. “This is nothing else but déformation professionnelle” – she remarks, as she has been working with children for many years. And she continued to do so also this year.

Another already experienced juror and sponsor, Lucyna Kałtan is also the director of the “Lisenas” company.

It is hard to imagine this contest without the presence of Mrs. Lucyna, seeing that the products of her company (sweets!) are made with the youngest gluttons in mind.

“All the photographs we received were absolutely gorgeous, unfortunately we had to select only 60 of them. As far as I can remember the equivalent previous contests which took place, let’s say, 10 years ago, I can notice a tremendous difference – parents have understood that they need to capture the right moment in the aesthetic environment – comments Lucyna Kałtan.

The final of this year’s contest is to take place in the Primary School in Lipówka. The headmaster, Helena Gasperska, states:

– It is a great honour for us to host such a popular contest of “Courier”. We will do our best in order to make it a joyful and interesting event.

We are taking the preparations very seriously and with great sense of responsibility, as we are well aware of the fact that thereby we are also promoting our institution. Parents entering our school are going to see this environment, the way we live and work. Perhaps some of them will decide upon choosing our school for their children. We await every single child.

As we know, the school have many facilities to boast about, furthermore, it is beautifully redecorated  and well-equipped.

Teachers alongside pupils are currently working on the programme of the concert, which is supposed to be performed during awarding the prize-winners. The latter ones have therefore a great opportunity to present what they have already learnt at their school.

This year Halina Janczunska, the author of fairytales and fables for children, has had a seat on a committee for the first time. Yet, this is not the first time she has sponsored the contest.

– I have just published a new book entitled: “Colourful crayons”, in which preparation children from the Šalčininkai District Municipality took an active part. The previous drawing contest was held exactly there. Some of these drawings have been also sent this year, but there were so many of them, that it was an extremely hard task to select the best ones. And so it is right now – it is mighty difficult to select the photographs as well, since they display such lovely, healthy, cheerful kids. I am delighted that I have my share in this year’s edition of the contest “My child in front of the camera” – what could be more wonderful than a child? And each child expects a fairytale, sweets and toys – explained Janczunska.

These presents will be awarded to the finalists of this year’s edition of the contest, which celebrates its 15th anniversary. The final is to be held on 31th May, on Friday, precisely on the day before the Children’s Day.

The photographs of the finalists are displayed in today’s issue of “Courier of Vilnius”. Every reader can vote for his/her favourite – “The Child of the Readers 2013”.

For that reason, we will be attaching a coupon which is supposed to be completed and sent until 29th May to our editor’s office (it has to be cut out of the newspaper, not copied!). The number of coupons that can be sent is unlimited.

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/05/21/60-finalistow-konkursu-moje-dziecko-w-obiektywie/

Tłumaczenie by Joanna Mirek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Joanna Mirek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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