• May 10, 2013
  • 387

Liekis Maybe Grybauskaite wants to win the conflict

Šarūnas Liekis © DELFI (K.Čachovskio nuotr.)

Known Lithuanian historian and political scientist Šarūnas Liekis believes that the President of Lithuania for a long time “flirts” with nationalist rhetoric. However, for the preparation of a bill on national minorities a political responsibility of the minister of culture and Deputy Minister not Šarūnas Birutis Edward Trusewicz, added the Dean of the Faculty of political science and diplomacy at the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania.

Two days ago the minister of culture Šarūnas Birutis,  did not approve the draft law  on national minorities, say that the project has “a lot of the gaps”. On this project worked a special working group under the leadership of the Deputy Minister of culture Edward Trusewicza. “From the press release it’s hard to conclude anything. The minister has responsibility for political Vice-Minister of superior being prepared project. It was such a little strange, that there are some kind of friction between the Minister and Deputy Minister. So if the minister has put an end to the project, he should tell when it will move again? However, if he won’t say “when” so the question is whether there is the political will, “he said in an interview to” Radio Liekis From Villa “.

According to the political scientist in every country there is a  “noisy” group of radical and nationalist views, it is worse when they are listening to serious politicians. “If the politicians of the highest rank nod the rhetoric arises rise, as Lithuania behaves in the European Union? Where he sees himself in the Union? What are his thoughts about the future of the Union? Currently there are tend to be federalized. In 2014, concrete steps are taken in this area. So the behavior of some of our politicians look strange “- said the political scientist.

Politolog sądzi, że „kokietowanie” Dalii Grybauskaitė nacjonalistycznego elektoratu można zaobserwować od pewnego czasu. „To już można było zaobserwować dosyć dawno. Prezydent przytakuje pewnej politycznej retoryce, która dla niej wygląda jak coś normalnego. Jeśli to dla niej jest normalne, więc trudno jej zarzucić, że robi coś nieprawidłowego” – powiedział Šarūnas Liekis.„Nie sądzę, że to daje dla niej więcej szans na wyborach. Sądzę, że jest odwrotnie. Bo tworzy problemy zarówno wewnątrz oraz poza granicami kraju. Najwyżej chce wygrać wybory dzięki konfliktom. Zwiększając konflikty. Więc jeśli się chce zwyciężyć za koszt konfliktów, to bardzo często wynik bywa odwrotny” – podsumował znany litewski politolog i historyk.

Political scientist believes that “flirting” Dalia Grybauskaitė nationalist electorate can be seen for some time. “You may have seen this already quite a long time. The President nods a political rhetoric that it looks like something normal. If it is normal for her, so it’s hard to accuse her, that she is doing something wrong, “said Šarūnas Liekis.”I do not think that it gives more chances for her election. I think it is the other way around. Because it creates problems both inside and outside the country. Most wants to win the election due to the conflict. Increasing conflicts. So if you want to win for the cost of conflicts, it is very often the result is perverse, “summed up the known Lithuanian political scientist and historian.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/aktualia/litwa/liekis-byc-moze-grybauskaite-chce-wygrac-na-konflikcie.d?id=61357999#ixzz2Ugv6P1P2

Tłumaczenie by Katarzyna Dąbrowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Katarzyna Dąbrowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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