• April 25, 2013
  • 339

The gymnasium at Rudominie the winner of priest prelate J. Obrembskim

Monsignor Joseph Obrembski, photo wilnoteka.lt

On Wednesday, April 24th., In the High School. Fr. Joseph Obrembskiego in Mejszagole, was held a contest “Commemoration – involving all”, dedicated to the memory of Monsignor Joseph Obrembskiego. The competition was attended by 80 students from 26 schools of the Vilnius region. Winner of the competition has been Ferdinand Ruszczyc Gymnasium in Rudamina.

The competition proceeded in two stages. In the first, each of the participants solved quiz on the life, work and ideals of Fr. J. Obrembskiego. In the second stage, one person team (which may comprise of up to three persons) recited a poem about the priesthood or a poem of his own authorship dedicated to Fr. J. Obrembskiemu.

Second place in the competition finished elementary school named Mariana Zdziechowskiego in Suderwie, the third-the high school in Ławaryszkach.

The recitation of his own work was distinguished Catherine Janushkevich from the Secondary School named Ursula Ledóchowska in Czarnym Borze.

 In an evaluation Commission were high school teachers priest Joseph Obrembskiego in the Maišiagala Castle Hill: Joseph Markiewicz, Valerie Adomaitis, Valentina Tomaszun, as well as the pastor in Maišiagala Castle Hill. Joseph Aszkiełowicz. Honorary members of the Commission were: Brands smooth and Monika Beata Urbanowicz.

All participants of the contest received prizes. The school, which prevailed in the contest, received the guardian angel figurines. Each contest participant was presented with a book called “Józef Obrembski Priest according to God’s heart” by Reverend. Daniela Dzikiewicza and priest Jerzy Witkowski. In addition, “a sign that the priest Monsignor Joseph Obrembski has always been friendly and never drived out of his home without food” each were handed a lot of sweets, or “prelate” candy-joking around chairwoman of the Committee, Joseph Markiewicz.
Chairwoman of the Committee added that “all willing participants will be able to go in the summer on a trip to the Polish in the footsteps of Monsignor Joseph Obrembskiego”. Visit Skarżyn, Wysokie Mazowieckie and many others.

Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/gimnazjum-w-rudominie-zwyciezca-konkursu-o-ks-pralacie-j-obrembskim

Tłumaczenie by Katarzyna Dąbrowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Katarzyna Dąbrowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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