• April 2, 2013
  • 492

New forms of poetry reception. Musical and poetic concert „Spring, it’s you!”

fot. NAW

A poetic group from Vilnius, New Vilnius Avant-garde believes that April is the month of poetry, therefore on 7th April, Sunday, it organised a concert of music and poetry „Spring, it’s you!” in the House of Polish Culture in Vilnius. During the concert the audience could listen to both, poetry and rock music.

“Our goal is to make the youth more accustomed to poetry using such non-traditional connections. We are all about new forms of reception of poetry. And to tell the truth, this is all about having fun with poetry and doing the thing that you love. So far, we have been doing exactly what we love. If someone notices it and appreciates it, we will be happy.” – Marzena Mackojć, a poet and one of the leaders of the New Vilnius Avant-garde explained PL DELFI.

During the concert, along with the poets, other young artists from the Vilnius region also performed. They presented pieces of music of various styles, starting from rock and pop and ending on blues and soul. In the House of Polish Culture performed, among others, Greta Buzarewicz, Rob B.Colton from the „Friends with benefits” band, Monika Jodko, Joanna Zawalska, Paweł Czechowicz, Miłada Milto and Agnieszka Wołczek. A rock band “Kite Art” also performed. Singer of the band, Robert Bieńkuński, said that their concert would last about 30 minutes.

„Poetry has always been associated with music, so we did not have to go far to find an idea. All over the world, a poem has been successfully associated with music, and then words acquire a deeper sense… Rock music is also music, a style as any other. Poems also have many styles, after all; therefore, when you create something new you don’t limit yourself trying to fit in some frame. In my opinion, when music is performed not only acoustically but also in the style of jazz, indie rock, it has a soul. We owe a debt of gratitude to the artists, who create music in the styles that they like. Poetry has inspired them to create music. Such a fusion is an amazing thing for us! I think that in this way the circle of poetry lovers may acquire new members, because everyone will find something for himself or herself.” – says Marzena Mackojć.

The concert began at 2 pm in the House of Polish Culture in Vilnius. Admission was free. The organisers are: the New Vilnius Avant-garde and the Association of Polish Writers in Lithuania.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/kultura/kultura/nowe-formy-odbioru-poezji.d?id=61038077

Tłumaczenie Emilia Zawieracz w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Emilia Zawieracz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 


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