- January 8, 2013
- 470
The decalogue of a businessman according to Grużewski

Politicians, employers, and employees should follow the principles of morality and conscientiousness written down in the form of a special decalogue. Such decalogue has been prepared by the professor Bogusław Grużewski, the director of Instytut Pracy i Badań Socjalnych (Darbo ir socialinių tyrimų institutas / the Institute for Labour and Social Research).
The aim of preparing this decalogue is to raise awareness about the issue and to stress the influence of enterprising processes on society,” said Grużewski.
“In the decalogue there are no concrete restrictions. Everything is left to the person who makes a decision. The decalogue does not state that you are not allowed give pay-packets, instead it says that you should pay according to the dictates of your conscience. The decalogue highlights that by not following one’s conscience, what suffers in the first place is the work which is performed and the entrepreneur himself,” said the professor.
- When you hire an employee, pay him according to the dictates of your conscience. His job satisfaction is your future source of income.
- Do not do anything that is beyond your capabilities – it is like you would take something that does not belong to you.
- Respect the consumer. He is the foundation of your prosperity.
- When you produce or consume something, remember about respecting the environment – it is your mother who feeds you.
- When you conclude a contract with someone and fulfil the agreement, do it conscientiously, if you want to be treated by others in the same way.
- Do not wish for more, if you cannot create it or earn enough to have it.
- When you become rich – check if your homeland has enriched as well.
- If you amassed money in an unfair way, you are the first to be responsible for the consequences.
- Do not forget that both wealth and power should be used responsibly.
- If you respect the world, your dreams and enjoy the journey, spend at least one week resting in your homeland (Lithuania).
Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/biznes/biznes/dekalog-przedsiebiorcy-wg-gruzewskiego.d?id=60379619
Tłumaczenie Katarzyna Kurowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Katarzyna Kurowska the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.