• December 26, 2012
  • 492

Lewicki: I’m so happy that people like us

Koncert charytatywny „Piłsudski pamięcią przyzywa!” fot. Ryszard Rotkiewicz

The biggest event in 2013 is going to be the 25th anniversary of “Vilnius Band”, it will be an enormous meeting of people who play in bands, says to PL DELFI Zbigniew Lewicki – violinist and  composer of  the Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra.

How was the year 2012?

This year was very active. It started with a concert of „Vilnius Band” in January. We planned only one performance but, as it turned out, we gave the second and finally we played three concerts. I am so happy that people like us.

We’ve got lots of journeys, we had concerts in Germany, in Warsaw during the “Polish Community Day” (3rd May), some days ago also in Warsaw during the “Day of Vilnius” and many, many others small concerts. So we had lots of work during this year.

Besides „Vilnius Band” I take part  in the other project: “Classic in the version of flamenco”. It came into being in the spring, it was made together with the guitarist Aureliusem Globisem, and now also with Onutė Kolobovaitė. It is the humorous fight between classic and flamenco, between the violin and the guitar. There was a lot of work with arrangement of tune, but now the project is going forward.

I also have a lot of work in the Opera, in 2012 we had many first runs. I am happy that people listen to the classical music and that they go to the Opera.

What are your plans for the next year?

The biggest event in 2013 is going to be the 25th anniversary of “Vilnius Band”. So far we have not talked about it, we can only say that it is going to be an enormous meeting of people who play in bands. There will be bands from Poland and Vilnius who would sing Polish songs for some days. For a jubilee we also prepare a new programme.

Together with band we have plans to go to Switzerland, Germany, so we would have many trials in order to look the best in that countries.

For several years we have been thinking of repeating the project of “Alice in Vilnius”. It is the show of both Ewelina Saszenko and Alicja Rybałko. We would like to add something, I mean to join classical orchestra with jazz band. I think that I would be very interesting project.

How do you celebrate Christmas?

I spend Christmas with my family. In the evening, at 9 p.m., we go to the church of St. Bartholomew in Zarzecze to take part in a mass. My dad worked in that church as an organist for so many years so priest John is always very happy when we come. At New Year’s Eve I usually have a concert but after that I come back home and try, together with my wife, to visit as many friends as possible, so we travel from one home to another. This year we are going to pay a visit to our friends in Szypliszki in Poland, near Lithuania.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/kultura/kultura/lewicki-bardzo-cieszy-ze-ludzie-nas-lubia.d?id=60298187#ixzz2GMU9zO4i

Tłumaczenie Diana Omiljaniuk  w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Diana Omiljaniuk  the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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