• May 10, 2013
  • 252

Appeal to the government of Lithuania: “We exhort the government to preserve the original names of ethnic lands in Lithuania”

BFL/Karolis Kavolu0117lis

A committee of the representatives of the Seimas and the Lithuanian Community in Poland has appealed to the Lithuanian government for not agreeing to the legitimisation of the original spelling of surnames in documents and the differentiation of high levels in the Lithuanian language for high school graduates in Lithuanian schools and schools of national minorities.

The text of the resolution was read out by the chairwoman of the Lithuanian Community in Poland, Irena Gasperavičiūtė. “We exhort the government to preserve the original spelling of names of ethnic lands in Lithuania, the spelling of names and surnames in documents in Lithuanian, the standardisation of high levels in Lithuanian schools and schools of national minorities, and care and interest in the Lithuanian school system on ethnic lands in Lithuania,” said Irena Gasperavičiūtė.

The Committee proposed that the authorities should their best to put the Lithuanian language on UNESCO’s World Heritage List as one of the oldest European languages.

Source: http://zw.lt/litwa/apel-do-rzadu-nawolujemy-o-zachowanie-autentycznego-nazewnictwa-etnicznych-ziem-litewskich/

Tłumaczenie by Elwira Łykus w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Elwira Łykus within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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