

The sword of Steponavi’cles once again over Polish schools?

The liberals of the newly elected mayor of Vilnus, Remigijus Šimašius, prior to the elections promised cheaper electricity and gas, and after the elections they start traditionally – by cutting
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‘The issue is still open’. Polish schools in Vilnius ready for accreditation.

Polish schools in Vilnius are ready for the accreditation process of the secondary school curriculum and have the support of the local government – say the representatives of Polish educational
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Concerning the dynamics of Polish-Lithuanian relations

The publication ‘The dynamics of Polish-Lithuanian relations’ saw the light of day – the legacy of the First International Scientific Conference of the same name, which took place in Kaunas
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The rector of the Polish University of the Third Age in Vilnius: Poles should be

‘In our Polish University of the Third Age in Vilnius, we build bridges between generations. We organize meetings with the grandchildren of our students, hold meetings in schools, kindergartens. We
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“Contact with Polish word” – new online bookstore from Lithuania.

They have been operating on the market for over a 15 years now. They made their first steps while being exhausted with the political transformation; the citizens of Eišiškės were
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New kindergartens in the Vilnius District – ones with the Lithuanian language

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania plans to establish new Lithuanian kindergarten groups in several towns in the Vilnius District, which is inhabited predominantly by
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The results of the orthographic competition “Dictation 2015”

“These people like Polish, they speak Polish correctly, they like to read in Polish and have… mathematical talents” – said organizers of the competition about competitors. 50 pupils from 5-9
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AWPL failed to solve any of the priority issues

In a few weeks there will be local elections, in the following year – parliamentary elections, and it is widely known that election is a time for summary of the
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“The lesson about Poland” – the summary of the competition organized by the Polish Institute

“The lesson about Poland” – the competition for teachers organized by the Polish Institute in Vilnius and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania. Among the
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The qualifications for the 26th Literature and Polish Language Olympiad have started

The qualifications for the 26th Literature and Polish Language Olympiad in the Vilnius region have started on the 4th of February. All guests – students and their teachers – have
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